1928-1930 teacher, departmental work, Terre Haute.Harrlgan-Reynolds, Mrs. Hazel B., B. S.,ha Gosport
pa 477 Hayes St., Gary
1926-1929 teacher, commerce, HoraceMann High School, Gory.Harris, Opal K., A. B., ha 1720 CheBt-nut St., Terre Haute
pa same
1K29-1980 critic teacher, Deming School, TerreHaute
for complete information seeclass of 1919.Haupt, Margaret L., B. S., ha 119 South17 St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1930 teacher, commerce, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute.Hayward, Verna E., B. S., ha Brazil
1926-1927 teacher, homeeconomics, Clay county
1927-1929, dietitian, Robert W. Long Memorial Hospital, Indianapolis.Hays, Christine Dreher, 2P, ha 1214South 10th St., Terre Haute
pa Gary
1918-1920 teacher grades, Shepher IsSchool, Fayette township
1920-1927teacher of grades, New Goshen
1927-1928 student Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute
1928-1930 supplyteacher, Gary.Heath, Albert Irving, B. S., ha 620South 19th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1927 teacher, Center Point
1927-1928 teacher, English and history,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher, history,Garfield High School, Terre Haute.Heaton-Wright, Mrs. Iva, 2IG, ha Clinton
pa RFD 3 Clinton
1926-1927 teacher township school, District 10,Clinton
1927-1929 principal. DistrictSchool, 15, Clinton.Heck, Mary, 2P, pa St., Marys of theWoods
taught four years before graduation
1926-1929 primary teacher, Taylorville and Concannon Schools, Vigocounty.Herring, Floyd, A. B., ha 1413 South14th St., Terre Haute
nr.Hertling, Oscar, B. S., ha Elizabeth
1919-1920 teacher, ruralgrades, Harrison county
1920-1921teacher, grades, Lanesville
1922-1923teacher science and mathematics, highschool, Mauckport
1923-1925, teacherscience high school, Orleans
1925-1926student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute
1926-1930 teacher, science,high school, Vincennes.Hixon, Iva Lucille, 2IG, ha Terre Haute,RFD E, Box 23
nr.Hochstetler-Coons, Mrs. Ethel Irene, A.B., pa West Terre Haute: 1918-1922teacher Sugar Creek township ruralschools
1922-1924 teacher, English andhome economics, high school, St. Anna,111.
1924-1929 teacher, English, Juniorhigh school, Bicknell.Hogan, Lucille, A. B., ha South Bend
pa 119 y2 South Chestnut St., SouthBend
1915-1922 teacher, city schools,South Bend
1922-1926 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1926-1929 teacher, city schools, SouthBend.Holman-Washington, Mrs. Frances R.,2IG, ha 1421 Lafayette St., Indianapolis
1926-1927 not teaching, at home
1927-1930 teacher grades, district 4, Indianapolis.Holmes, Raymond W., B. S., ha 419North Center St., Terre Haute
pa 617East Mulberry St., Kokomo: 1926-1929teacher woodwork, drafting and generalshop, high school, Rushville
1929-1930teacher woodwork, drafting and generalshop, high school, Kokomo.Hopping, Jane D., 2IG, ha Aurora
1926-1929 teacher elementarygrades, public schools Aurora.Howard, Beatrice, 2IG, ha Shelburn
1926-1929 teacher elementarygrades, Shelburn.Hunter, Mrs. Essa Coffmxn, B. R., haWashington
pa Paris, 111.
1929-1930 athome, not teaching
for complete recordsee class 1922.Hutchinson, Ersel, A. B., ha Brazil
pa803 South 4th St., Terre Haute
1926-1928 teacher, English, Sarah ScottJunior High School, Terre Haute
1928-1929 teacher, English, Gerstmeyer Technical High School, Terre Haute
1929-1930 teacher, English, Woodrow WilsonJunior High School, Terre Haute.Huxford, Orvena, 2IG, ha RFD A, Rosedale
pa 124 South 14th St., Richmond
1926-1930 teacher, intermediate grades,Richmond.Hyneman, Edna L., A. B., ha 1500 Southfith St., Terre Haute: pa same
1926-1929 teacher Latin and English, PimentoHigh School
1928-1929 teacher, Latinand English, high school, Toledo, 111.
1929-1930 not teaching, at home.Ingram, Imo Gladys, A. B., ha Hillsdale
pa Lowell
192G-1927 working in lav/office
1927-1930 teacher, English, Lowell.Jackson, Clara M., 2P, ha Terre Haute
nr.Jardine, Alexander, A. B., ha 1229 North4th St., Terre Haute
pa 523 South 3rdSt., Evansville
1926-1927 teacher history, Petersburg
1927-1929 teacher, history and track coach, Central HighSchool, Evansville.Jenkins, Helen Martha, B. S.. ha RFD 9,Lebanon
pa 344 West 7th St., Auburn
1917-1918 teacher, rural school, Shelburn
1918-1919 teacher grades, Clinton
1919-1920 teacher grades, Gosport
1920-1924 teacher grades, Elkhart
summer 1925 dietitian, girls camp, TriLakes, Columbia City
1926-1928 teacher vocational home economics. PleasantLake
1928-1929 teacher, vocationalhome economics, Auburn.Jcnks, Maude, 2P, pa Michigan City
1921-1923 teacher, grades, LaPorte county, Coolspring township
1923-1924teacher, grades, LaCrosse
1924-1926teacher grades, Union township, LaPortecounty
1926-1929 teacher, grades, Michigan City.Johnson, Elda, 2IG. ha Huron: pa Peerless
1926-1929 teacher, public schools,Peerless.Johnson, Franz L., A. B., ha RFD 1,Forest
pa Russiaville
1926-1929 teacher science, high school, Russiaville.Johnson, Leona Fern, A. B., ha RFD 1,Staunton
pa same
1926-1928, notteaching, at home
1928-1929 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Johnson, J. Lyle, 2IA, ha Jamestown
Johnson, Minnie I., 2IG, ha Elnora
1927-1929 teacher, elementary grades,Elnora. Jones, Edith Inez, A. B., ha RFD, A,Box 89, Terre Haute
pa Coalmont
1927-1928 teacher, home economics andEnglish, Montgomery
1928-1930 teach-