Search Results - (( a black ((fire...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,244 results
Search Results - (( a black ((fire...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,244 results
Five people in a wheelbarrow with a young man pretending to push
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Snapshot of five young, unidentified adults, four girls and a boy in the middle, sitting on a hill. Could be the Schmidt siblings.;...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
James a Negro, Morris a Mulatto, both living at Governor William Harrison’s home are subpoenaed to come to the February 1805, General ...
Knox County Public Library
Photograph of a woman believed to be Mrs. J. H. Cliff. The young woman is standing next to a decorated mantel with a book resting&...
Princeton Public Library
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
Black and white photograph of people, three men and seven women, holding portrait of Eugene V. Debs with front view of Red Special trai...
Indiana State University Library
Fillis aka Philis is ordered to come before the Court of the Knox County Court of General Quarter Sessions on August 5, 1802. She ...
Knox County Public Library
A group of students calling themselves the Students for a Better University took over the Administration Building on May 1, 1970. SBU presen...
Indiana State University Archives
A black and white photograph of John Wade and James A. McKenzie, Sr. holding up a cake at the dedication of the new Seelyville Fir...
Town of Seelyville
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Satterlee, Ralph J. Indianapolis 500 Photographs
Fire at northwest corner of High and Main Streets in Elkhart, Indiana. The H.B.Sykes Department Store burned. A store at the same location...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Indiana Farm Security Administration Photographs
On February 4, 1820 before F. Graeter J.P., Francis Tisdale files a complaint against Francis Jackson also known as Mulee, a man of col...
Knox County Public Library
Elkhart City Fire Dept. during a fire drill. Corner of Main & Franklin Sts. Horsedrawn equipment in front of Ziesels store. People on...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
A practice fire drill looking west at the corner of Main & Franklin St., Elkhart Indiana. Ziesels Dept. store on the right and Firs...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
Duplicate of #1990.67.142. A practice fire drill looking west at the corner of Main & Franklin St., Elkhart IN. Ziesels Dept. store ...
Elkhart County Historical Society Collections
People stand around a wrecked Robinson fire engine parked on the side of a bricked street.
Photo by Sellers, Muncie, Ind. in lower left.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Spurgeon-Greene Photographs
People in Chicago Fire Department crane.
Kiwanis International
Structure: Accordion book. (W) 6” x (H) 5 .” - (L) 44 .“ when fully extended; half clam-shell box...
A sun that rises’ - ‘HOPE’The text I used for A sun that rises is the same text I used for the Al-Mutanabbi Street...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
Members of the A Cappella Choir. First row, from left to right: Laconda Heyden, Karen Rickard, Lucina Sparks, Mary Helen Lowe, Jane Ada...
Indiana State University Archives