Search Results - (( _ lake e long ...
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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( _ lake e long ...
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY159pa Salvador, San Salvador, CentralAmerica

    1920-1926 importing and exporting business, Sal Salvador

    1925-1929 merchandizing, San Salvador, ElSalvador, C. A.Hultz, Agnes, 3N, ha Bainbridge, paBedford, 1312 M. St.

    1920-1930 teacherof English high school of Cayuga, Linden and Bedford.Hultz-Barr, Mrs. Edith, A. B., ha RFDF, Terre Haute

    la Laramie, Wyo.

    1916-1920 teacher of grades two years, oneyear in high school, Riley

    1920-1924teacher, Tangier

    1924-1928 not teaching, homekeeper, married to Clarence F.Barr, professor, mathematics, Universityof Wyoming

    lr 1928.Hunt, Ethel C, 3N, ha RFD A, TerreHaute

    pa Ft. Wayne, 625 West Washington

    1920-1921 teacher in schools,Pasadena, Calif.

    1921-1929 teachergrades, Fort Wayne.Hyatt, Eliza, 3N, ha Washington, 304East Walnut St.

    1923-1929 teacher ofelementary grades, Washington.James, Mrs. Paulina W., 4N, ha Mt.Vernon

    pa 119 Madison Blvd., TerreHaute

    1920-1930 teacher commercialdepartment, Gerstmeyer High School,Terre Haute.Johnson-Dalbey, Mrs. Edith, 2IG, ha Attica

    po 1447 East 55th St., Chicago, III.

    1920-1922 teacher in public schools,East Chicago

    1922-1923 traveling withCorn Products Sales Company

    1926-1930 keeping house, not teaching.Johnson, Pearl, 3N, ha 466 North 8thSt., Evansville

    nr.Kardokus, David P., A. B., ha RFDBicknell

    pa Evansville

    1929-1930teacher history and social science, Central High School, Evansville

    for complete record see class 1919.Katterjohn, Alice, 3N, ha Holland

    1921-1930 teacher mathematics and history,high school, Connersville.Keeling, Ruby F., 3N, ha Hillsboro, paDelavan, 111.

    1921-1923 teocher inschool, Westville

    1923-1924 teacherWaynetown

    1926-1929 teacher in Delavan., IllKennedy, Kathryn M., A. B., ha Wilkinson, pa 618 South Center St., TerreHaute, Education: A. B., State Tea...

    experience:teacher of grades, Warrington

    teacherof mathematics, Decker

    instructormathematics, State Teachers College

    critic teacher in mathematics. StateTeachers College, Terre, Mrs. Kathryn, A. B., ha55 South 18th St., Terre Haute

    laDeming Place, Terre Haute

    1920-1925chemist Terre Haute Water Works,Terre Haute

    1925-1926 assistant bac-heriologist, Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute

    1926-1927 employedCommercial Solvents Corporation, TerreHaute

    married to O. R. Brunkow in1928, homekeeper.Kirkpatrick, Margaret E., 2IG, ha SouthBend

    nr.Kiser, Delia, 2IG, ha Worthington, pa640 Broadway, Gary

    taught seven yearsbefore graduation

    1920-1922 teachergrades, Worthington

    1922-1929 teacherin Froebel School, Gary

    teaching nature study in primary grades.Knaub, Norman K., 3N, ha Patoka, pa1031 East Monroe St., Springfield, Mo.

    1920-1921 with the Lehigh Lime Company

    1921-1922 director high schoolmathematics, Jackson, Ohio

    1922-1923teacher mathematics and coach, Fowler

    1924-1929 office manager of MarbleheadLime Company, Springfield, Mo.Kruse-McCune, Mrs. Mary K., B. S., ha1319 M St., Bedford, pa same

    1920-1925 teacher home economics, Bedford

    1925-1929 married to Fred C. McCune,homekeeper, not teaching.Kruzan, Charlotte A., 3N, pa 2307 South6,4 St., Terre Haute

    1916-1918 teachergrades, Honey Crcrfek township, Vigocounty

    1918-1920 student Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute: 1920-1926 teacher, grades, Greenwood School,Terre Haute

    1926-1930 teacher grades,Fairbanks School, Terre Haute

    B. S.Indiana State Teachers College 1927.Lambert-Bunch, Mrs. Stella M., 2IG, ha941 Grant St., Brazil

    pa Faxon, Okla.

    1916-1917 teacher rural school, Claycounty

    1917-1923 teacher in cityschools, Brazil and Vincennes

    1923-1924teacher of grades, East Chicago

    notteaching, homekeeper, married to S. N.Bunch in 1924.Landrum, Jeannette, 3N, ha 619 South8th St., Terre Haute

    1923-1924 teacherin public schools. North Crystal Lake,111.

    1924-1926 assistant principal highschool, Perrysville

    1926-1927 teacher ofAmerican history, economics and civics,Danville, 111.: 1927-1929 teacher WileyHigh School, Terre Haute.Latta, E. Marie, A. B., ha ...

    1917-1920 supplyingin city schools and working on degree

    1920-1924 teacher English, Garfield HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1924-1929 teacherhistory, Garfield High School, TerreHaute.Long, Lena, 3N, ha Pierceton

    1920-1929teacher of grades, Fort Wayne.Lyda, John W., A. B., 2IG, ha 452 South16th St.

    1921-1929 teaching grades,Booker T. Washington School, TerreHaute.McCullough, Beulah, 3N, ha 644Monterey Ave., Terre Haute, pa Cleveland, Ohio, 1608 Crawford&#x...

    1920-1923 teacher Mt. Carmel, 111.

    1923-1925teacher of sewing, high school, Akron,Ohio

    1925-1929 teacher city schools,Cleveland, Ohio.McCullum-White, Mrs. Ruth A., 3N, haLinton

    pa Cooksville, 111.

    1920-1921teacher of grades, Leonard School, McLean county, 111.

    1921-1922 teacher ofdepartmental work, LeRoy, 111.

    1922-1923 teacher in high school, Cooksville,Illinois

    lr 1923.McLaughlin-Fisher, Mrs. Hazel, 3N, haTerre Haute

    pa 711-16th St., Logansport

    1920-1923 teacher in junior highschool, Logansport

    1923-1929 married,not teaching, homekeeper Logansport.McVey, Edna L., 3N, ha Bedford, 1920-1930 teacher of grades junior highschool, Bedford.Maehling, Jacob J.,...

    M. A. degree, University of Chicago in 1924.Mahan, Thomas, A. B., ha Lewis

    1920-1922 principal Wheatfield

    1922-1924superintendent, Montezuma

    1924-1929principal Huntington townhsip schools,Huntington

    A. M. Teachers College, Col-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The August 1997 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The December 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • The Precinct Committeeman was a Democratic Party newspaper from Marion County, Indiana. The collection includes September 7 to October 23, 1934....

    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • The March 2006 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library