364THE NORMAL ADVANCEChurch. They were ruled by the judge notbecause of the justice he decreed but becausehe was the voice of the court....
and thatinsurrection in thought must precede insurrection in arms
that the minds of men must bechanged before the slave could ever hope towalk forth free. His doctrine was this,—themost efficient protecti...
his zeal penetrated the masses. He wasThe fiery pith,The compact nucleus, round which systemsgrow,Mass after mass became inspired therewith,And whirled...
the battle was won before thefirst gun was fired at Sumter. It was won inthe minds of the people and in the mind ofPhillips long...
he had the vision of aprophet. Once he uttered these inspired words,I hear in the dim distance the first notes ofthe jubilee rising fro...
The Normal AdvanceVolume XX.TERRE HAUTE, IND., DECEMBER, 1914.Number. 3Wyt 3Pas&ton ipiap of <0fcerammergauBy ELIZABETH BUCKLEYTHE Miracle Plays, a name&...