student at Emerson College, Boston, Mass.
married Reverend John S.Hoagland
deceased Aug. 7, 1917.Brown-McLaughlin, Mrs. Sarah, nr.Carr, Ella M., nr.Clapham, Burnside, la Columbia City
1891-1895 superintendent of schools,Monroeville
1897-1899 county superin-superintendent of schools, Whitley county
1906-1907 superintendent of schools
1908-1916 in real estatebusiness
1928 in real estate businessin Columbia City.Clevenger-Shadley, Mrs. Emogene, la120 Lee St., Pendleton, Ore.
1891-1892at home. Moorefield
1892-1894 highschool assistant, Union City
1894 married to Reverend E. R. Clevenger, Baptist minister
1894-1909 not teaching,homekeeper
1909-1916 living in theWest, Hamilton, Mont.
Hillyard, Wash.
Cashmere, Wash.
Pendleton, Ore.
mrDec. 22, 1927.Copeland, Charles H., nr.Cox, Rose Marian, pa 440 North Center,Terre Haute
education—Indiana StateTeachers College
A. B. Indiana University
graduate student of German andAnglo-Saxon, Berlin University
A. M.,Cornell University: University of Chicago
Ph. D., Indiana University, 1929
teacher in high school, Bluffton
principal and teacher of English, Bluffton
teacher of English in high school. FortScott, Kan.
assistant professor ofpsychology, assistant professor of German, assistant professor of French,assistant professor of Spanish
1930 associate professor of English, IndianaState Teachers College.Dodson-Graham, Mrs. Cora M., nr. Ellis-Pickard, Mrs. Minnie Blanche, haLacompte, La....
1916-1918 teacher inprimary grades, Lamaurie, La.
1918-1927 not teaching, homekeeper
A. B.,Indiana University 1895
A. M., IndianaUniversity 1905
deceased Feb. 9, 1927.Ford-Foreman, Mrs. Rose, la Huntington in 1899
lr 1899 taught in elementary grades in Frankfort, New Albanyand Huntington
married in 1899
athome and not teaching.Foreman, Charles A., nr.Fraxer, Mary C, nr.Furr, W. A., pa 110 South Poplar St.,Carbondale, HI.: taught in the publi...
1897-1905 superintendent of schools, Ottawa, 111.
1905-1913 superintendent ofschools, Jacksonville, 111.
1913-1930superintendent of Training School,Southern Illinois State Teachers College,Carbondale, 111.Hatch-Keerns, Mrs. Lucy M.t ha 1819North 8th St.. Terre Haute...
taught inprimary grades, Clinton and Butler
married W. A. Keerns
lr 1901 at homeand not teaching.Harter, Joseph L
nr.Haskins, Evelyn, lr 1896 teaching inFernwood, 111.Hoover, Calvin S., la 208 Lincoln Ave.,Valparaiso
lr 1891-1894 student at Indiana University: A. B., 1893
A. M.1894
1898-1894 instructor in history atIndiana University: 1894-1896 instructor and principal of high school, Paris,111.
1896-1897 graduate student, IllinoisState University
1897-1900 instructorin high school, Elgin, 111.
1900-1928head of history department, ValparaisoUniversity, Valparaiso, Ind.Lindley, Sarah A., ha Elizabethtown
1891-1892 teacher in South Creek Seminary
1892-1894 teacher in Muncie
1894-1903 teacher in Friends Missionschools in San Livis Potosi, Mex
1904did not teach, took trip, Worlds SundaySchool Convention in Jerusalem and tripover Europe
1905-1913 superintendentof Friends Mission School in Matchuala,S. L. Potosi, Mex.
1913-1914 not teaching,, resting in the United States
1911-1916 director of Friends school. Banes,Cuba
nr since 1916.Lyons, Ella M., ha Brook: 1891-1892teacher of seventh grade, Huntington
1892-1893 teacher of sixth grade, Attica
1893-1894 teacher of eighth grade,Attica
1894-1895 student in IndianaUniversity
1895-1904 taught historyand literature in high school. East Chicago
1904-1913 taught literature inhigh school, Elkhart
1913-1916 at home.Brook
spent three summer terms asstudent at University of Chicago, spentfour months traveling and studying inEurope, in 1910
lr 1916.McCurran-Devoe, Mrs. Claudia, nr.Michener-Stevans, Mrs. Dora, nr.Mitchener-Williams, Mrs. Margaret, nr.♦Neukom, Emilie, teacher and supervisorfor several y...
deceased.♦Neukom, Rose, deceased, nr.Newton, Frances Elizabeth, pa 617 NorthSherman Drive, Indianapolis
lr 1929principal of Robert Browning School,Indianapolis.Oglevee-Barricklow, Mrs. Mary, la Kansas City, Kan.
1891-1892 principalof school, Waveland
1892-1893 principal of school, Huntington: 1893-1895principal at Rising Sun
1895-1902 principal of school, Elwood
1902-1903teacher in grades, Huntington
1903-1904 teacher in grades, Marion
1904-1906 principal of schools, Marion
1906-1911 married, not teaching, at home inOklahoma and Kansas City, Kan.
nrsince 1911.Powell, Harriet, la RFD 1, Lamar
1891-1896 teacher in grades, Lawrence-burg
1896-1900 teacher in high school,Rockport: 1900-1904 principal of township high school, Chrisney
1904-1914teacher of mathematics in high school.North Vernon
1914 teacher of domestic science in the grades and high school.North Vernon
1914 teacher of domes-North Vernon
lr 1928 retired, homekeeper for a brother.♦Raber, Alfred, nr.Reeve, J. D., nr.Rettger, Ernest William, pa S GrovePlace, Ithaca, N. Y....
1890 professorof mathematics, State Normal School,Warrensburg, Mo.
1898 A. B., IndianaUniversity
1898 Ph. D., Clark University, Worchester, Mass.
1916-1930 professor of applied mechanics, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, N. Y.Ridgley, Douglas Clay, pa 166 WoodlandSt.. Worchester, Mass.
1891-1892principal of high sehool. North Manchester
1892-1893 student at IndianaUniversity, A. B. 1893
1893-1895 principal of high school, Delphi
1895-1900teacher of biology and physical geography. West Division High School, Chica-