Collection Order

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United States vs. Jean Baptist Boneau, Jr. and Pierre Andre

Boneau, Jr. , Jean Baptist and Pierre Andre adv. United States

Description: The file contains one document concerning the suit brought against Jean Baptist Boneau, Jr. by the United States. On July 14, 1809 Jean Baptist Boneau of Vincennes and yeoman acknowledged to owe the United States $200.00. Pierre Andre, Esq. also acknowledged to owe the same amount. The condition of the Recognizance bond was that Boneau would appear before the Court of Comm Pleas on the last Monday in July 1809 to answer to Antoine Zefferin Chenet and shall keep the peace. Taken before me Presiding Judge in and over the territory, Henry VanderBurgh. According to the Minute Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas, page 198; Jean Bpt. Boneau and Pierre Andre appeared in discharge of the Recognizance and on a motion the court ordered that they be discharged of the Recognizance.
Origin: 2018-05-24
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Johnson, James; Leech, George; Vanderburgh, Henry;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Assault and battery -- Indiana Territory
Bail -- Indiana Territory
Bonds -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Judges -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.