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Tougas, Francois assignee of Joseph Tougas dit Lavoilette vs Charles Dielle Jr

Tougas, Francis assignee of Joseph Tougas dit Lavoilette vs Charles Dielle Jr.

Description: A promissory note written in French is presented. The note states that Charles Dielle Jr. under fixed common appearance of witness do promise to pay on demand of Joseph Tougas on order the sum of 147 livres, pelletries or money, currency of Poste Vincennes for value received expedited by Pierre Gamelin. The note is signed September 9, 1802 with a mark by Charles Dielle Jr, Joseph Tougas and Pierre Gamblin. Further charges of 6 livres for a copy of the agreement are added to the amount owed. On the reverse of the note it states that for value received I assign the within note to Francois Tougas dit Lavoillette, his heirs and assignees. The document is signed by G. W. Johnston, witness, March 25, 1805. A summons is issued to bring to court Charles Dielle Jr. the last Monday of November to answer unto Francois Tougas dit Lavoillette, assignee of Joseph Tougas on a plea of trespass plus damages of $100. The summons is dated October 14, 1807 and signed by R. Buntin, Clerk with a notation that bail is required for $38.25 being the amount of the note. The summons is executed October 14, 1807 by P. Beckes, Sheriff with added cost of law of $1.27. Charles Dielle and Pierre Bordeleau are bound into Permeneas Beckes for $38.25 on October 14, 1807. Charles Dielle is to appear before the judges of Court of Common Pleas the last Monday in November 1807 to answer unto Francois Tougas, assignee of Joseph Tougas in a plea of trespass in the case plus damages of $100. The bond is signed by Charles Dielle and Pierre Bordeleau. A special bail is required of Charles Dielle of Vincennes. Charles Dielle of Vincennes is delivered a bail upon a plea of trespass to Pierrre Bordeleau of the town of Vincennes in the county of Knox in court on November 30, 1807. R. Buntin, Clerk swears it to be a true transcript of the proceedings and sets his hand on November 30, 1807. A declaration is filed during the November term 1807. Francis Tougas dit Lavoillette assignee of Joseph Tougas complains of Charles Dielle on September 9, 1802 at Vincennes in the County aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of the court made a certain note in writing commonly called a promissory note. The note was signed with the proper name and mark of said defendant bearing the day, year and then and there delivered by the said defendant to one Joseph Tougas and to the court now here shown and thereby his ordinary mark in presence of witnesses, promised to pay to the demand of the Joseph Tougas on his order the sum of 147 livres in peltries or money currency of Poste Vincennes for value received. Plus a further $6 in liveres for the copy of the agreement between him and Joseph Tougas expedited by Pierre Gamelin for a total of 153 livres. The said Joseph to whom or to whose order the payment of the said sum of money mentioned in the said note was to have been made on March 25, 1805 at Vincennes to the said Francois and also the further sum of $38.25. The sum in part or same has not been paid. Francois Tougas di Lavoillette assignee puts in his place General W. Johnston as his attorney against Charles Dielle Jr. in an action of trespass. Pierre Bordeleau, and Charles Dielle are committed to jail on the said bail price, signed Samuel Hayes, Deputy Sheriff. A document is filed on the cost of court in the amount of $12.22 1/2.
Origin: 2018-02-22
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Leech, George; Decker, Luke; Johnson, James;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Affidavits -- Indiana Territory
Bail -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Damages -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Promissory notes -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Trespass -- Indiana Territory
Witnesses -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.