Collection Order

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Elizabeth Fitzpatrick vs Elizabeth Bicknell, Abraham Hooper in right of his wife, Sarah Hooper, Theophilus Morgan, in right of his wife Mary Margaret, Martha Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Jesse Shankle in right of his wife, Prudy; et. al. 1842

Description: The file contains the petition of Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, widow of Obadiah Fitzpatrick, to have his real estate partitioned. Included in the file is the petition, the notice of the petition for partition in the Vincennes Gazette, the appraisal of the real estate, and the commissioners report of the partition. Through her attorney, B.M. Thomas, Elizabeth Fitzpartick petitioned the Probate Court of Knox County to partition the real estate of her deceased husband, Obadiah Fitzpaterick. The following were listed as defendants: Elizabeth Bicknell, Abraham Hooper in right of his wife Sarah, Theophilus Morgan in right of his wife, Mary Margaret, Martha Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Jesse Shankle in right of his wife, Purdy, Jonathan Shankle in right of his wife Fanny, brothers and sisters of the deceased. The description of the real estate is as follows: South West fractional quarter North Fractional Section Number Thirteen, Township Four North Range Eight West, containing Forty-one and Six Hundredths acres being the same which was patented to James Ashby, May 1, 1829. East half of the North West Quarter of North fractional Section Thirteen, Township four North Range West , containing Seventy-eight and Thirty-five hundredths acres; South West Quart of North West fractional Quarter of Section Thirteen Township Four, North Range Eight West Containing Forty Acres West half of South West Quarter of Section Eight in Township Four North of Range Seven West, containing Eighty acres. It was requested that commissioners be appointed to make a recommendation to the court. The notification of the partition was placed in the Vincennes Gazette and ran for four weeks. A deposition of R. Y. Caddington sworn before Jonathan Collins that the notice ran and had printers fees of $4.00. A third document was the appraisal bill for the real estate of Obadiah Fitzpatrick. It included the following information: Eighty and six hundredths acres in Section 14 @ $4.00/ acre worth $320.00; Forty acres in Section 13 @ $2.62 1/2 / acre worth $180.00, Seventy eight and thirty-six hundreths acres in Section 14 @ $3.50/ acre worth $276.18. One forty Acre Lot in Section 12 @ $3.25/acre worth $130.00. The total appraisal was $832.18 was signed by Muford Bicknell, William Goodman and Joseph Ashby (mark), sworn before William B. Willis, J.P. The last document was the Commissioners Report completed by George Calhound, Jonathan P. Cox and Mumford Bicknell, which gave Elizabeth Fitzpatrick now Elizabeth Seirp one-third of the estate. Included on this document is a detailed description of the tract with a diagram of the land.
Origin: 2017-02-08
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Farms -- Indiana Territory
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Indiana Territory
Personal property -- IndianaTerritory
Personal property -- Valuation -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.