Collection Order

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Doll collection

China doll, Johnny

Description: The head is China with a cloth body. The shoulder is broken and missing where the manufacturers mark may have been. The eyes are painted blue and the hair is painted blonde with textured ringlets. The mouth is common painted. The doll is dressed in a dark red tunic over the same color knicker type pants in serge type material and plaid taffeta trim. The doll stands 22 inches (55.9 cm) tall.
Origin: 2004
Created By: Alt, Beck, and Gottschalk [?]
Contributor(s): This doll was donated by Lucille Failing.
Collection: Vigo County Historical Society
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Dolls
China dolls
Boy dolls
Domestic Life

Further information on this record can be found at its source.