Collection Order

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Civil War: Roster of the 71st Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Terre Haute, Indiana, August 18, 1862

Roster of the Seventy-First Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Terre Haute, Indiana, August 18, 1862

Description: A roster of the 71st Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Terre Haute, Indiana, August 18, 1862. The 71st was commanded by Lt. Colonel Melville D. Tipping. The document lists names, ranks, residences, commission dates and muster dates of the men of the 71st.
Origin: 2010-09-17
Collection: Vigo County Historical Society
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 71st (1862-1863)
Civil War -- Document
Wars & Conflicts

Further information on this record can be found at its source.