Henry Harrison Carpet Weaving Shop

Description: Interior of the carpet weaving shop owned by Henry W. Harrison. Harrison is seated at the large loom. Grandma Fuqua is seating in the rocking chair, her job was to sew the strips together and wind the bobbins. Freda Harrison, Henrys wife, is seated at the small loom at the right.
Origin: 2007-09-11
Contributor(s): William H. Hoff
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/vchs/id/2398
Collection: Vigo County Historical Society
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/UND/1.0/
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Vigo County Historical Society (Terre Haute, Ind.)
Stores & shops -- Indiana -- Vigo County -- Terre Haute
Domestic Life
Business & Industry

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