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Knox County probate record for William Mieure, 1838

Description: The probate record for William Mieure, 1838 is in Box 26 of the probate records archive at the Knox County Public Library’s McGrady-Brockman House. In file 1 is a document titled “List of open accounts and other notes returned as desparate filed 2-15-1840. Among the list are Charles (no last name), and John Evans and amounts they owed. Another document titled “List of unsettled judgements in favor of estate of Wm. Mieure,” filed 2-23-44 listed in the last page of the document was William Rollins. In a document named “Perfect Inventory of Rights and Credits of Estate of Wm. Mieure” dated 5-9-1843 contains a list of all debtors who were designated as negro. These were Newton and Elizabeth Boz, Henry Brown, Abraham Burch, Richard Carter, Charles (no last name given), Joshua Davis, John Evans, Vincent Hammond, Pompey Hubbs, John Jackson, William Knight, Arthur McGill, Moses Oakes, James Parkins, Samuel Reider, and Washington Thomas. Another document of the same name and list of names was filed on 8-24- 44. In file 2 is a receipt showing a payment to the estate from Joshua Davis filed 5-20-43. In file 3 is a receipt showing a payment to the estate from William Knight. In file 4 receipts showing payments to the Mieure estate include James Parker, Moses Oakes, and Alexander Stewart. In file 5 a document titled “List of unsettled judgements in favor of B. Shelmire & Coon on the docket of Justice Collins” the names George Butler and Pompey Hubbs are listed. In file 5 among the unscanned receipts and bills the following names appeared; Vincent Hammond, Edmund Taylor, Pompey Hubbs, and Jonathon Taylor. In file 6 there were no findings. In file 7 is a scanned receipt of payment to Mieure estate by Washington Thomas, and 4 unscanned documents of payment from John Evans, Richard Carter and Charles (no last name given).
Origin: 1838
Contributor(s): Mieure, William; Charles; Evans, John; Rollins, William; Newton; Boz, Elizabeth; Brown, Henry; Burch, Abraham; Burtch, Abraham; Carter Richard; Davis, Joshua; Hammond, Vincent; Hubbs, Pompey; Jackson, John; Knight, William; McGill, Arthur; Oakes, Moses; Parkins, James; Reider, Samuel; Thomas, Washington; Davis, Joshua; Stewart, Alexander; Butler, George; Hubbs, Pompey; Taylor, Jonathon;
Collection: Knox County Public Library
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Geography: Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Black people -- America -- History
African Americans -- History
Black people -- History
Slave records
Slave labor
Enslaved women
Enslaved men
Slavery -- Law and legislation
Indentured servants
Indiana -- Northwest
Indiana -- History
Vincennes (Ind.)
Knox County (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.