Collection Order

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Knox County probate record for William Ember, 1852

Description: A folder containing probate records for William Ember is housed in the Probate Records section, Box 50, at the Knox County (IN) Public Library’s McGrady-Brockman House. This file contains an inventory of property totaling $234.75. Most of the inventory is parts of Lot No. 426 in Vincennes. There is a physician’s bill and an affidavit from the widow, Sarah Ember (Embers) stating the value of the estate is less than $300.00.
Origin: 1852
Contributor(s): Ember, William; Ember, Sarah; Embers, Sarah;
Collection: Knox County Public Library
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Geography: Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Knox County (Ind.)
probate records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.