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Lincoln Memorial Bridge over Wabash River

Description: (Front) THE BEAUTIFUL LINCOLN MEMORIAL BRIDGE OVER THE HISTORIAL WABASH RIVER VINCENNES, IND (bACK) This bridge is on the site of Ferry Lincoln used crossing Wabash in 1830. LINCOLN MEMORIAL BRIDGE-Erected by the two states, connection Indiana and Illinois and aided by the federal government, this beautiful structure is appropriately named Lincoln Memerial Bridge. Here he crossed the Wabashfrom Indiana, with his parents, Thomas Lincoln, and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, and his sister Sarah, came to Indiana in 1816, when he was seven years old. He spent 14 years of his life and grew into young manhood in the Hoosier State. This young man, in his early years, was destined to become one of the most unique characters in American history.
Origin: 2011-07-16
Contributor(s): From the private collection of Donna Adams
Publisher: From the private collection of Donna Adams.
Collection: Knox County Community
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Bridges
Architectural elements
Architectural decorations & ornaments

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