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alphabetical file, example being that of Mary Black and her correspondence being separate from thegeneral B file. The reason for this is that she co‐authored several books with Tirey and thus hercorrespondence is more important then the others in the B file. Most of the ones separated are in thesame category as Mary Black in that either there seemed to be a great deal of correspondence from thesepeople, or that they had done something to make them stand out from the other people in there file. University Correspondence: This series was separated from the general correspondence series becausethis deals with universities/colleges. This series pertains to the Tirey presidency period. World War II: This series deals with, of course, World War II, basically the years 1942‐1945. While thisseries does not contain the material to provide an in depth look of how the war influenced the collegeand its day to day operation, it does allow one to catch a glimpse of what the college attempted to doduring the war, and what programs went on during this time. But, as mentioned before, some of the keyprograms, mainly the V‐12 program, is briefly dealt with and does not give a person the informationneeded to provide a detailed view of this program. Budget: This series concerns the college budget with detailed records for the years 1941 (from Octoberon) to 1943. During this time, every months budget account was kept. Thus one can follow how theuniversity reacted to World War II in its budget accounts. It is this series, along with the Placementreports of the late thirties that provide the most detailed record of the college during the Tirey regime. Salary: This series covers the post‐war period, 1946 to 1953. Thus one can see what the salary of theadministration and faculty was during the twilight of Tireys presidency. Buildings: This series deals with the buildings associated with the college, or plans by the college toacquire land in order to build. This series also deals with Tireys campus improvement plan, which hasbeen one of many. However, it is the Buildings Erected, 1933‐1953 file that allows one to get an idea onwhat was built during Tireys time and how much the college changed during this time. Government: This series revolves around the government, mainly the state, and its departments. This alsodeals with the presidential years of 1934‐1953. College Organizations: This series deals with organizations that Indiana State Teachers College belong to.The most noted of these being the American Association of Teachers College, which became in 1947 theAmerican Association for Teacher Education. Over half of the material available in this series comes fromthese two groups. It should also be noted that these two groups accredited schools and the accreditationof I.S.T.C. is dealt with in these groups. Offices/Departments: This series revolves around the offices and departments located on the campusduring Tireys presidency. The best documented office/department include the Extension Division for theyears 1939‐1947, the Health Services Office and their reports for the years 1941‐1946, and the PlacementOffice for the years 1934‐1941. But once past these departments, the documentation is rather sparse. Faculty: This series deals only with the faculty. It is not a well‐documented series and only covers ahodge‐podge of topics. These include application letters, promotion letters, approval letters, and so on. Special Days and Events: This series basically covers Honor Day, along with a few other events. Honor Dayis the best documented group among the series with the years 1934‐1937, 1942‐1947, 1949, beingcovered. This, compared to homecoming where only the 1949 one is documented, and very briefly. Campus Organizations: This series revolves around organizations, most of them fraternities, that eitherwanted to organize or had already done so on campus. However, this like all the other series is not welldocumented. Constitution: This series deals with the constitution of the Student Government Association, StudentUnion Advisory Board, and Tirey Memorial Union Board. Boards/Committees: This series deals with meetings, board and faculty, and committees. The bestdocumented group of this series is the faculty meetings for the years 1941‐1946. However, this ismisleading in that not every meeting is documented and those that are documented basically state that ameeting took place on this date. Hardly ever is there any mention of what was discussed in the meeting. Reports and Ephemera: These series deals with those groups that fell through the cracks. They constitutethe loose ends of the collection with no true place for these particular groups to be located. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.