Collection Order

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Inventory of James Lee Guernsey Papers - Page 1

Description: James Lee Guernsey PapersIndiana State University ArchivesUAC 142Scope and Content: The James Lee Guernsey Papers consists of proposals, projects and classtests and exams. The collection is comprised of the information that James Lee Guernseyarranged during his tenure at Indiana State. These documents contain the information on thevarious projects that Guernsey was a part of through the research and the proposal stages.Biographical Information: James Lee Guernsey was an author and a Professor of Geography atIndiana State University from 1948-1988. As a professor at Indiana State Guernsey was anactive member of the faculty writing many books while actively seeking grants from a numberof organizations, such as the National Science Foundation and the Navy.Dates: circa 1958-1979Condition Governing Access: Advance notice is necessary for access.Series I: Proposals• Box 544Folder 1: Coastal Zone Management Report Control no. CZ-5-8Folder 2: Office of Coal Research Proposal, 1961-1962Folder 3: Area of Redevelopment Act Proposal, 1961-1962Folder 4: National Defense Education Act, 1965-1966Folder 5: Teacher and Graduate Fellowships Proposals, 1965-1975Folder 6: Mineral Institute Proposal, 1978-1979Series II: Chinook Mine• Box 545Folder 1: Housing Needs ChinookFolder 2: Strip Mining Impacts on Real Estate Values- Vigo and Clay CountyFolder 3: Aesthetics Investigations
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.