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Description: <3\^£^> o^ out- Ss>ov ^^ ^L^^e Te^tx:We, the senior class of the year of our Lord nineteen hundredand thirty-two, being of foggy minds and grouchy dispositions, havingstudied for a French Exam until the wee small hours of the morning,hereby make and publish, in the FINALE, this, our last will and testament.Item I.We hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the faculty thefollowing items:To Mr. Yeager we donate a brand new joke book to liven upchapel programs
To Miss Clark we give the right to be big some day:To Miss Treager we give the right to redecorate every roomin the Training school:To Mrs. Peters we hand over another French class more brilliant perhaps, but not half so interesting as ours
To Mr. Woodrow we give the privelege of improvising a newbeginning for Once there was a nebula
To Miss Kennedy we give another student like Fred Harris totrain for four years:To Miss Caffyn we give the privilege of organizing a year
To Mr. Eberly we give the pleasure of developing the musicalabilities at State Training school
To Miss Shontz we give the right to manage a dog show asnoisy a success as the last
To Miss Swing we give our wish for a big sunshiny room withplenty of room for improvement
To Mr. Albright we leave the posts in the old gymnasium toprop up the string beans in his garden
To Miss Hcllroy we dedicate the act of smiling over thefootlights at a breathless audience murmuring And Im the eiieon whomyou wedded at high noon today.To Miss Megenhart we l^avc the plea for a new stage setting
To Miss Dupuis we give another chance to quell her .sense ofhumor with hopes for more success.To Miss Bailie Smith we giv^ encouragement that she willhave a senior class next year, Cod bless their hearts.To Miss Gillum we give all our unsatisfactory themes for thenext volume o*f her book.To Mr. Ramsay we give the fond memory of a s-panking machinemade necessary by Fred White in the eighth grade.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.