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Description: S3.ALPHA.The Alpha Chapter of the Womens League was founded in September. 1899, by Beth Parker,(Kidder), now of Alexandria, La. It was one of the first two chapters to be founded at Indiana StateNormal School.ATHLETA.The Athleta Section was founded in the year of 1904, with the following charter members: MyrtleSeybold, Pearl Hilton, Jess Keyes, Jess Brown, Leola Moore, Rena Cating, Elizabeth Garrot, AgnesWhite, Eva Black, Bess Crawford, Mabel Paine, Clara Lane, Mary Brown.In 1913 an organization was formed by the city Alumnae girls of the Athletas, which meets once amonth. Annual affairs of the Athleta are Valentine Dance, February 14, and Picnic, May 30.EPSILON DELTA.The Epsilon Delta section was organized in the fall of 1910, and since then has been graduallygrowing. At present there is a strong and active membership of about fifty. The officers for this yearwere: Leader, Hallie Farmer
Secretary, Blanche Taylor, and Treasurer, Edna C Taggart.GAMMA GAMMA.The Gamma Gamma section was organized in 1902 with a membership of twelve girls, and has beenactive ever since, the membership now being nearly two hundred. Mrs. Arthur Cunningham and Mrs.Allyn Adams are honorary members of the society. The partrons of the section this year are Prof, andMrs. Louis J. Rettger.KAPPA KAPPA.Heres to the Kappas both near and far.Heres to the Kappas wherever they are.A number of social events have been given by the Kappas this year and a number of new girls havebeen taken into the section.The largest party of the year was given on Valentines eve at the home of Miss Mildred Hanley ofOhio Boulevard.A number of rush parties were given before each pledge day, and regular meetings have been heldevery two weeks at the homes of the members.LLAMARADA.The Llamarada section was organized in 1904 by a group of fifteen girls. The section was named byMr. Wisely. The section, among various other entertainments, gives a dance each term.MU ZETA.The Mu Zeta section was founded October. 1905, with a membership of eighteen, with Emma Abbettleader, Elisabeth Lindsay, reporter, and Pearl Ellis, secretary and treasurer. At first only girls withmusical talent and training were admitted, for that was what the section stood for, but, although it isstill a musical section, some are taken in who do not have this talent. At the beginning of the fall term,1914, there was a membership of six and many new members have been added until now the membership is twenty-two.OMEGA.The Omega Section, organized in the fall of 1900, is one of the two oldest sections of the WomensLeague. The Omega has at present a strong and active membership and a faithful body of Alumni, whohelp and take active part in all social functions given throughout the year.PSI THETA.The present Psi Theta section, traces its beginning to the sorority known as the Zeit Geist Sororitywhich was organized in the Nineties. The name was changed to Psi Theta during the summer of 1907.This section has always been active since its first organization and to this day has kept the high standard which was established when the section was first organized. At first the membership was small,but the section lias grown to such an extent that there were thirty members present during the springterm.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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