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Description: «^fe*186T-1914Swope-Nehf-Bloomer Jewelry Go.425 Wabash A^Terre Haute, Ind.F-213\Ve are headquarters for Normal Class Pins, Rings, Fobs,Medals and Prize Cups. Samples and prices submittedMagnifiers for BotanicalClasses*Br Your Repair Work Solicited and Fully Guaranteed.WM. SCHONEFELDSGreat Northern PharmacyFull Line of Note Books, Tablets and StationeryAlso Candies, Cigars and TobaccoNorthern Hotel Bldg., 7th & Big FourFREE DELIVERIESNEW PHONE 575Citizens Phone 1416Fourth and Main—Naylor-Cox Bldg.EPPERT * SONPHOTOGRAPHERSAlways Up-to-Date on Everything PhotographicStudents are especially invited to visit Our StudioSEE OUR COLLEGE PICTURESTELEPHONE 295BUNTIN DRUG CO.We will call for and deliver yourdrug pacKage FREEThe Soft Water LaundryLET US DO YOURLaundering : Dyeing : CleaningRAYMOND M. RIGHTSELL, Normal AgentFIRST CLASS WORKColumbian Laundry CompanyWe solicit your business in our linePORTRAITS, GROUPS, BLUE PRINTS, KODAKFINISHING AND SLIDESMartins Photo ShopSHOE REPAIRINGBuying UR Shoes where skilled Mechanics andModern Equipment assures you superbservice. Everything for Bicycles.NEW PHONE 532-RUNCLE JOE CANNONS PLACE 606 N. 7th St.Wlien you want good candies cometo tke Greek Candy Kitchen, wherecandy is made rresn every day. Tne (Quality is unsurpassed. We serve the test notand cold drinks. Try us.Special attention given to mail and telephone ordersTke Greek Candy KitcnenCorner Seventh and Mam Streetsnimiiiiiiiiiiiiim nrmNormal Men Will Find Special Reductions Here In Every DepartmentHart Shaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at a Great DiscountShirts, Underwear, Hats, Shoes, Sweaters, Mackinawsetc., at Liberal DiscountsNormal Man to WaitOn You HereSaturdaysTUNE BROS.5 th and Wabash Ave.Normal Man to WaitOn You HereSaturdays
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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