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Magnifiers for Botanical Classes The Best Selected Holiday Novelties in the City186T-1914Swope=Nehf Jewelry Co.524 Wabash Ave.Terre Haute, Ind.F-213We are headquarters for Normal Class Pins, Rings, Fobs,Medals and Prize Cups. Samples and prices submitted.Your Repair Work Solicited and Fully GuaranteedWM. SCHONEFELDSGreat Northern PharmacyFull Line of Note Books, Tablets and StationeryAlso Candies, Cigars and TobaccoNorthern Hotel Bldg., 7th & Big Four ^iwrao^sraTELEPHONE 295BUNTIN DRUG CO.We will call for and deliver yourdrug package FREEThe Soft Water LaundryLET US DO YOURLaundering : Dyeing : CleaningRAYMOND M. RIGHTSELL, Normal AgentFIRST CLASS WORKColumbian Laundry CompanyLet Martin Make YourChristmas PhotosOver Crescent TheatreSeventh and Wabash AvenueUNCLE JOE CANNONS PLACEThe Home of Better Shoe Repairing at the Lowest Prices50 cent Rubber Heels put on 40 cents Everything for Bicycles606 North Seventh StreetNew Phone 532 R J. S. Cannon, Mgr.When you want good candies cometo the Greek Candy Kitchen, wherecandy is made fresh every day. The Quality is unsurpassed. vJe serve the best hotand cold drinks. Try us.Special attention given to mail and telephone ordersThe Greek Candy KitchenCorner Seventh and Mam StreetsThe Place for NORMAL MEN to Buy Their ClothesHere you find Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats in all the new snappy styles.New Balmacaan and Mackinaw Coats, the swellest assortment in town.Superior Union Suits—Fine Shirts—Mens Dress Shoes.JHways the Mewest in Everything, and at a Very Reasonable Price10 per cent.Discount to allNormal StudentsTUNE BROS.5th and Wabash Ave.10 per cent.Discount to allNormal Studentsmm |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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