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Description: 58THE NORMAL ADVANCEAfter he had kissed her and pressed her rosycheek against his and patted her soft, roundchin, she drew back and asked: George, doyou shave yourself?Yes, he replied.I thought so, she said. Your face is theroughest I ever .Then she stopped
but it was too late, andhe went away with a cold, heavy lump in hisbreast.Statement: It is known that John Starnerrecently visited a friend in Chicago.Question: Why did he borrow three cameraspreparatory to making the visit?If you are a good boy, you may becomepresident of the United States, said thepatronizing relative.Supposin Im not a good boy?Well, then Ill look forward to seeing youin our state legislature.oh, whuetje !They had cut off a Chinamans queueAnd wTere painting his head a brigh blueue
So the Chinaman said,As they daubed at his head:When I sueue yueue, yueuell rueue whatyueue dtieue.Mr. Cox: Every student of this agricultureclass must have twenty-five specimens of bugs.First Girl: But where are we to find thatmany?Second Girl: Search me!A minister was horrified one Sunday to seea boy in the gallery pelting the hearers in thepews with horse chestnuts. As the good manlook up, the boy cried: You tend to yourpreaching, mister
Ill keep them awake.Wonder why the Mu Zeta members did notwear their carnations to school Monday morning.The pleasure of life is not according to thework or place, but according to the man wholives it.—Emerson.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.