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THE NORMAL ADVANCE49Class <^rgant>attott£COLLEGE COURSE.]\/T OST noble readers, this is the way it-*--*- happened:—First, there appeared uponthe bulletin board a large sign which readCider Meet—November 6. For days the greatwar cloud was seen to be approaching. Prophecies of all shades and styles were heardabove the din and roar in Normal Halls. Atlast the great day came. The fight was on, thesoldiers did their best. At times both despairand hope was in the hearts of all. But lo,when the strife was oer, the smoke all clearedaway, the College Course heroes still held theforts. Campbell, Blake, Knauth, and Shannonwere our heroes. It was they, who won for usthe sap of that forbidden fruit. But in our exultations let us not forget the Normal Coursefor they were worthy of our steel. Yea, indeed did their fallen braves do well to evendare to compete with the formidable CollegeCourse.Atheletics, however, is only a side issue compared with the social life of the class. OnFriday evening, November 6th, the CollegeCourse held their term reception in the Association Rooms of the Normal Building. Afterthe students and members of the faculty wrereintroduced, a four minutes conversation wascompulsory between each boy and girl. Whenthe time was up all were ushered into an adjoining room where a motion picture outfit hadbeen established. Two lengthy reels were givenentitled, Courtships, and Kidnapped, andsome faculty caricatures were also shown.Several Pantomimes were given by members ofthe class. After the show was over, accordingto custom, all were taken to the ice creamparlor.But lo, like Napoleon, the College Courseas a class has its enemies. The time for interclass basket-ball games is drawing near. First,all Little Men of which the College Courseboasts four have been disqualified from playing in these games. Next, the College CourseSeniors and the College Course Juniors andthe College Course Sophmores have been joinedwith their respective Normal classes. Thusleaving the poor little Freshmen to hold up thedignity of the College Course. We do not hesitate to call this last act a raw deal.SENIORS.The Seniors held a business meeting Wednesday, October 28. Some of the offices whichwere not filled at the first meeting were filledand committees appointed to look after the social and other duties of the class. Our athleticcaptain urged all to come out for the cidermeet, and aid not only by our presence, butby our efforts. A motion was made and carriedthat a social be given every two weeks thefirst to be held on Friday night, November 6.The social was a great event in the historyof the class. That it was a success in everywa}^ can be vouched for by every member present. Even some of the College Course studentsdeserted their own social and came to ours,probably due to lack of refreshments. Werefer especially to the president of our Y. M.C A.The forty or fifty Seniors present were wellpleased with the program, which was given asfollows:Violin Solo Mary FlahartyVocal Solo Herman ByrneReading J. C. TranbargerMr. Luch, Miss Zell, and Miss Shirley carried off the prizes in the several contests. Mr.Leechss announcement, that the Seniors hadwon second honors in the field meet, was |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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