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Description: THORMAL ADVANCVolume XX.TERRE HAUTE, IND., NOVEMBER, 1914.Number. 2Wqt gfobenture* of gfoerage Jlop in tfjeMlberneste of fttgf) ikftoolWAYNE NEWTON/\NCE I laid me down to rest in a pretty^S bower, and lo! I saw a vision of surpassing strangeness.Methought I beheld a boy and a man standing in a shady glen named Home. The man,whose name was Proud Parent, spake thus tothe boy:My son, go ye forth upon this Highwayof Education, on which we stand. You havetrodden its easier mazes and have come throughthe immense Forest of Common School, andnow have overtaken me, your father, who begat you. I am ambitious for you and wish tosend you on from here into the still more difficult paths of the Wilderness of High School.There are four paths through this wilderness,each more difficult than the last. At the endof each path are four golden apples. Go youforth each day until you have brought thesixteen golden apples. But beware of one thing.Near each golden apple is concealed a gooseegg. Unless you obey the instructions you receive along the road, you will bring homegoose eggs instead of golden apples and thenyou will, perforce, tread the same path again.Take this spotless mantle of Reputation andbring it back to me as clean as you take it.Heed my warnings and go with Godspeed andmy blessings.Average Boy, (for such was his name) embraced his father and with many promisesstarted along the pleasant road with a joyfulheart. He was joined by many other youths,each, like himself, intent on pursuing the pathsof Education to the end.They made goodly speed through the gentlysloping fields of Resolve, and soon came to astream. The water was muddy and the current was swift. The band halted in surpriseat the sight, and deemed the stream impassable.As they gazed, a prosperous looking man approached. He had a bland countenance, buthis eyes seemed evil and resembled the eyesof a reptile.Whats amiss? he cried out from a distance.We have set out to find the golden applesof wisdom in the Wilderness of High School,but we cannot find the Bridge of Entrance Examination on which to cross the River of Disqualification, answered Average Boy.Certainly not, replied the man, whosename was Labor Agent. And if you did youwould only fall in the river and have great difficulty in getting out, for the bridge is by fartoo frail for such fine fellows as I take youto be. But if you will come with me down thispath you will find the short road to Success,for at its end is the Grove of Wealth, whenyou may pick all the golden apples you wish.When the youths heard these words, manybegan to run down the path, leaving only halfa score. These said:Our fathers have pursued that path all theirlives, and have told us that you lie. We knowthat the path of Manual Labor and that the
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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