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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE319I. S. N. NEGATIVE DEBATING TEAMWALTER CARNAHANOSCAR HANEYBERT ELLISThe first event of the year was the Inter-Society debate which took place on the evening of Feb. 1. The question, which became the question for the Inter-State debates, was:Resolved, That the several states should readjust their systems of taxation so as to exempt personal property and improvements on land from all taxation. The judges declared the Ciceronian team victorious over the Daedalian team by a vote of 3 to 0.Now Prof. Bacon appeared on the scene with his splendid coaching ability and Corkendope, and began to develop two teams which, when weighed in the balance, should not befound wanting. His untiring efforts were not in vain, for on April 25, our affirmativeteam, composed of W. W. Wright, H. E. Stork and E. J. Hemmer, met in debate, and defeated by a unanimous decision, the negative team from Oshkosh, Wis. This had never before in the history of the Triangular Debating League been accomplished. The music ofthe evening was splendid. The loyal support given the boys by the students and faculty wascommendable. On the same night our negative team, composed of Bert Ellis, WalterCarnahan and Oscar Haney, won a unanimous decision over Normal, 111. Thus of thenine judges judging the three debates of the league on that evening, I. S. N. captured six.What more could it ask?On Thursday evening, May 1, Prof, and Mrs. Bacon gave a reception to the membersof the debating teams, and Mr. Burget, whose excellent work in arranging for the debates deserves mention, together with their girl friends. Games were played and refreshments served. When the clock had struck one eleven times the company departed withpleasant memories of the evening, which was not soon to be forgotten.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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