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Description: 208THE NORMAL ADVANCEl%e Cfjrtsitmag $teceKATHERINE ARNOLDSAY, Miss Remy, Cad Lucas says he aintgoin to say his piece tomorrow afternoon. He said he wasnt no teachers sissy andwasnt goin to say no piece. The speaker,a third-grader, proffered this information asan excuse for staying in at recess?.Miss Remy forgot to correct Lizzies English for once, and Avalked over to the AvindoAvwhich overlooked the playground. CadmonLucas, the author of that declaration of independence, Avas superintending the constructionof a snow fort. The rest of the pupils Averekept busy carrying out his instructions.Why dont you tell his ma? Lizzie questioned as she saw the pained look on the girl-teachers face. You board there ,and Ill betshe would lick him good even if he is sixteenyears old and most groAvn.Dont you remember that I have alwayssaid that I despised tattlers, returned theteacher as she Avalked back to her desk. Forthree months both at his home and in school,she had tried to interest big, blustering sixteen-year-old Cadmon Lucas. Last year masculinemuscle, developed in the I. S. N. gymnasium,had failed to win him. No deAnces furnishedby her tAvelve Aveeks of professional trainingin the same institution seemed to fit.Please, Miss Remy, Lizzie interrupted,its time for the bell
can I ring it? Back tothe reality, a country school of tAventy-fiAre andCadmon Lucas, were her forced thoughts.Lizzie Avildly clanged the bell until all butone of the pupils, puffing and bloAving, hadbeen gathered in. That one had determined tostay outside in the snoAV just to see Svhat thekid-teacher ud do about it.The kid-teacher wisely concluded thatJack Frost Avas a better truant officer than she,and left him to that gentlemans tender mercies.Since it is snoAving harder and drifting sobadly, Avell practice the drills and longerpieces, and then, perhaps, you had better startfor home.Books Avere put away Avith alacrity and allwere in position before Miss Remy had countedsix. Well have the bunny drill first, sheannounced, and the second grade came to thefront.For five long minutes did Cad Lucas Avaitfor a pedagogical summons. He finally decided to peep in the Avindow to see how affairsproceeded without his mighty presence. MissRemy saAv his face flattened into a scoavI ofdisgust as he observed the bunny drill. AVhenhe saAv the teacher looking in that direction,he turned and walked around the corner ofthe house. Later when the teacher walked tothe back of theroom to judge as to the loudness of Lizzies tones in speaking her piece,she saw Cadmon Lucas starting to plough hisway along the half mile stretch home. Anhour later Miss Remy had bundled all of thepupils into hats, hoods, coats, mufflers and arctics, and started them toward their varioushomes.Aint you going Avith us? Carl, Cads oldest disciple came back to inquire. Carl Avasalways considerate when Cads persuasive bulkAvas absent. In ten more minutes this stormwill be a blizzard.No, I must finish decorating, fix the fire,sAveep, dust and make ready for the entertainment tomorrow. The girl turned to theMerry Christmas Avhich she was printing onthe blackboard and continued, Cad has gonehome and the Avork has to be done.Good-bye, then.Good-night.The Avinds Avhistle had changed to a deeproar, rattling all the AvindoAvs and snarlingdoAvn the chimnev before the teacher Avas readv
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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