
Description: 26THE NORMAL ADVANCEHer shrill outcrys and shrieks so loud did brayThat all the woodes and forestes did resound.Student—It seems to me as if bray is arather coarse word to use to describe a womansvoice.Prof. Curry—Did it ever occur to you thatthe original Latin word for woman began withm-u-l-e?One afternoon Aunt Sue was explaining themeaning of various words to her young nephew\Now an heirloom, my dear, is somethingthat has been handed down from father toson.Well, replied the boy thoughtfully, thatsa queer name for my pants. —Exchange.CAUSED A FROST.What caused the coolness between you andthat young doctor? I thought you were engaged.His writing is rather illegible. He sent mea note calling for 1,000 kisses.Well?I thought it was a prescription and took itto be filled.Mr. Gillum—What is velocity?Pupil—-Velocity is what a fellow lets go ofa wasp with.Prof. Baxter—How fast can a swelltravel?Pupil—Oh, well, -an automobile can goabout one hundred miles an hour.Prof. Kemp—Can anyone tell any remarkable fact about George Washington?Student—He was never caught in a lie.Fond Parent—Honestly, now, did you learnanything vital while you were in college?College-bred Son—Um-hm, well. I learnedto state my ignorance in scientific terms.Donaghy—Whats the purpose of bacteriology, anyway?Bright Student—Well, it reduces worryingto a positive science, for one thing.A vacation is spending all the money yousave in a year to go away a few weeks to escapethe weather which does not arrive until afteryou come back.—Puck.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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