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THE NORMAL ADVANCE$upjpj> HobeCARL MILLERTHERE is far more pleasure to be obtained from watching cases of puppylove, sometimes in literature called young love,start to grow, and then abruptly cease, thanthere is to be obtained by participating inthem. The author has had no—what might betermed—practical laboratory work in the participating field of the subject, but he has observed in several instances. Furthermore, ithas been observing in the strict and true senseof the word, and not observing as is appliedin the classes of this school, where the observeris too frequently awakened from peaceful slumbers and required to recite same as the others.Puppy love usually comes to an individual,wrapped up in the same box with his first pairof long trousers. He becomes more thoroughlyimbued with the spirit the first time he strutsup and down before a mirror in the new suit.Occasionally, however, an abnormal person isattacked with this malady later in life when hemust shave at leastthree times every two weeks.When this is the case it is much harder onhim, but far more enjoyable to an observer.His neck and ears grow red so easily.It is indeed hard to decide which of the twois the most unlucky. The early bird is destined to become an experienced /wsser earlyin life. As such, it behooves him always to beneatly dressed, feel starched and occasionallyhave his hands manicured. This, of course, isnot natural for him, but is a custom which hewould not break for anything. However, whenhe has reached the age of many shaves per, heis always at ease, even when occupying one-half of a cozy corner, with her mother in thenext room listening to every word.Now with that unnatural person it is quiteotherwise. His troubles fall upon him doublyhard. He gets mixed up and cannot get untangled. He is late to the dance, and in thehurry of filling the programs he forgets theunfortunate ladys name and so must go andmake sure. Finally, after mussing over theprograms and making mistakes innumerable,he is compelled to take about ten dances withthe young lady himself.To watch these puppy lovers is highly interesting to say the least. Although they all havethe same general ailments, such as strolling,porch swinging, boating, etc., each individualcouple has its own peculiar habit. Indeed it isa very dull youth who can not discover somenew means of rowing a boat, so that both cansit on the same seat, or can not run upon someparticularly difficult passage of Latin, whichneeds instant aid and co-operation, or who, inhis anxious search for ways and means, cannotat least find a weak or broken board in his sideof the narrow park bench, and thus be compelled to move over a bit closer. Then whenwe consider that the feminine of the species iseven more resourceful than this, we find thatthere is not and never can be any lack of individualism.Some young couples are accused of quarreling. That surely must be a great mistake. Butoccasionally an event similar to this happens.Harry saw Isabel come out of an ice creamparlor with Jonesie, and he even held her armwhen they crossed the street. Harry saw itwith his own eyes. At the next meeting hetakes it upon himself to remind her of it with afew extra flourishes, such as I didnt thinkthat of you, etc. He is immediately asked toexplain, why at the last dance he sat out fourdances in a rowT wTith Mildred.It is needless to describe the spat which follows. A spat you understand, is not a quarrel. No! No!As was stated it is quite a novel and amusin.opastime to watch these little squalls and tii |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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