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Description: 374THE NORMAL ADVANCE220-yard hurdles Root, who had a lead onStantz, lost his shoes and stumbled in clearingone of the hurdles, Stantz winning in easyfashion. Darst finished second and Harristhird. Byrn scored a surprise in the half-mileby crossing the line in the lead. Coffey andShepard both ran with Swango, whom theyhad figured to be their opponent. Byrn showedstaying powers, however, and finished with abig lead. Shaw and Bradford were to the goodin the 100-yard and 220-yard dashes.Root took the quarter and Coffey the mile.Darst held his place in the hammer heave, withMcDonald second. McDonald also threwsecond to Standau in the shotput. Williamsonand Smith tied for first in the discus throw.The Normal man threw the weight six feetfarther than his opponent in the rubber, butwas disqualified for stepping out of the ring.Normal took three places in the pole vault,scoring all nine points. Harrison, Walker andStantz won places in order on the vaults. Inthe high jump Root went first, with La Huesecond and Smith third. Lucas made the longest broad jump, with Standau and Williamsonfollowing in order. The relay went to Rose ineasy fashion.Summaries.120-yard hurdles
Smith (Rose), Stantz(Normal), Darst (Rose). Time, :16 4-5.Half-mile: Byrn (Normal), Coffey (Rose),Shepard (Rose). Time, 2:11 4-5.100-yard dash: Shaw (Rose), Bradford(Rose), Lucas (Normal). Time, :10 3-5.High jump: Root (Rose), La Hue (Normal), Smith (Rose). Distance, 5 feet 5 inches.220-yard hurdles: Stantz (Normal), Darst(Rose), Harrison (Normal). Time, :31.Shotput: Standau (Rose), McDonald (Normal), Bash (Normal). Distance, 37 feet 9inches.Discus: Smith (Rose), Williamson (Normal), Standau (Rose). Distance, 99 feet flat.Broad jump: Lucas (Normal), Standau(Rose), Williamson (Normal). Distance, 20feet 3 inches.Mile: Coffey (Rose), Swango (Normal),McWilliams (Rose). Time, 5:14 2-5.Pole vault: Harrison (Normal), Walker(Normal), Stantz (Normal). Distance, 9 feet5 inches.Quarter-mile: Root (Rose), Coffey (Rose),Stantz (Normal). Time, :56.220-yard dash: Shaw (Rose), Bradford(Rose), Lucas (Normal). Time, :24 1-5.Half-mile relay: Smith. Root, Bradford andShaw (Rose). Time, 2:38 3-5.Hammer throw: Darst (Rose), McDonald(Normal) Standau (Rose). Distance 110 feet10 inches.Score: Rose, 74
Normal, 48.Oratory and DebatingCICERONIANThe Ciceronian Society has closed an eventful year of successful work. More has been accomplished than even the most sanguine daredhope. Events have so shaped themselves inthe workings of the Oratorical League, thatthe society was not called upon to defend itshonors of the past. On the other hand thehigh caliber of its members has at all times prevented anyone from doubting their ability orwillingness to do so at any time.Aside from the many things for which asecret organization stands, the Ciceronianstands for debating and public speaking in particular, hence, its work has been closely alliedwith the Oratorical League. At the opening ofthe fall term seven of its members entered thedebating class of Prof. Lardner, here gettingthorough instruction in both theory and actualpractice of public debate. This greatly raisedthe tone of the years work. This work wascontinued throughout the year in the workings
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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