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THE NORMAL ADVANCE307Roll Call1. Josephine Adair, primary teacher, 230 N. 27.Thirteenth St., Terre Haute, Ind.2. Henry Aldredge, bank cashier, Vallonia, 28.Ind. 29.3. Elsie AndreAVs, Kentland, Ind.4. William W. Archibald, principal Voor- 30.hees School, Terre Haute, Ind.5. Etta Barrett, English Department, High 31.School, Greenfield, Ind. 32.6. John E. Ballard, deceased.7. Mabel Bonsell, Mathematics, Normal 33.High School, Terre Haute, Ind.8. Mrs. Maud Walton Beckes, resident, Vin- 34.cennes, Ind.9. Mrs. Zella Cox Catlin, resident, Elizabeth-, Ind.10. EdAvard S. Christen, superintendent of 36.schools, Lawrence, Ind.11. Fannie E. Clark, deceased. 37.12. Anna Clabaugh, Latin Department, High 38.School, Frankfort, Ind.13. Arland D. Choate, English Department, 39.Normal School, Minnesota. 40.14. Lotus D. Coffman, Department of 41.Methods and Practice, State Normal 42.School, Charleston, Ind. 43.15. Levi J. Driver, superintendent of schools, 44.Rising Sun, Ind. 45.16. Margaret Harahan, Grade 3, CraAvford 46.School, Terre Haute, Ind. 47.17. Clara W. Hardesty, Terre Haute.18. George Haughton, deceased. 48.19. Claudia Hays, Worthington, Ind. 49.20. Joseph E. Kelley, Peoples Bank, Mt. 50.Vernon, Ind. 51.21. William H. Kessel, Science Department, 52.Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Ind. 53.22. Mrs. Stella Deane Kennedy, Grade 8, 54.Greensburg, Ind. 55.23. William O. Lynch, Historv Department, 56.I. S. N. S., Terre Haute, Ind. 57.<g472FloLa M. Lynch, teacher, Elkhart, Ind.25. William V. Mangrum, superintendent of 58.schools, New Harmony, Ind. 59.26. Adda May, Grade 7, Salem, Ind. 60.Emelie Meyer, Mathematics Department,Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Ind.Mrs. Emma Morris McKeeA^er, deceased.John F. Nuner, superintendent of schools,MishaAvaka, Ind.John Owens, State Food Inspector. Homeat Worthington, Ind.Lena L. Poer, Grade 1, Montpelier, Ind.Anna Blanche Sankey, resident, TerreHaute, Ind.Lillian C. Smith, teacher, Deming School,Terre Haute, Ind.Charles E. Talkington, superintendentBartholomeAv Co., Columbus, Ind.Mary V. Walsh, Grade 6, Sheridan School,Terre Haute, Ind.Guy M. Wilson, superintendent of schools,Connersville, Ind.J. HoAvard Wagner, Auburn, Ind.Rosa Ward, teacher, la, 2b, Cruft School,Terre Haute, Ind.Lorena Adams (Frankfort, Ind).May Avritt (Greencastle, Ind).Walter C. Boyd (Russellville, Ind).lone Beem (West Lafayette).John H. Brooks (Bloomington, Ind).Jennie Carrimack (Anderson, Ind).Katherine Chilton (Connersville, Lnd).Mary E. Church (Muncie, Ind).Mrs. Lydia Gemmer Collicott (Evans\dlle,Ind).Mary Conley (Chicago, 111).Mary Corbin (Kokomo, Ind).John Crowley (Indianapolis).HoAvard Cullins (GreentoAvn, Ind).Rose Danielson (Warsaw, Ind).Anna L. Delzell (GeorgetoAvn, Colo).Jesse F. EAans (Plainfield, Ind).John H. EAvbank (Ladoga, Ind).James A. Fisher (Blooming Grove, Ind).Mrs. Josephine Moran Fry (Indianapolis).John Garrigus (Wheatland, Ind).James Hadley (Frankfort, Ind).Oscar E. Hagler (Keystone, Ind). |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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