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THE NORMAL ADVANCE219Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.Y. M. 0. A.Financial report from October 7, 1908, toMarch 26, 1909.1908. RECEIPTSOct. 7. Cash on hand $31.05Nov. 10. State Appropriation 100.00Dec. 19. Cash by note 4.251909.Feb. 22. Baggage 1.20Mch. 26. Membership 58.50 Cash subscriptions 108.45 Delinquent subscriptions. .. 1.00 Cash from sale of books.. . 13.05 Delinquent note 19.00Total receipts $336.50OTTO SCHOEPPEL, Treas.,JAS. H. BAXTER, Chairman,Faculty Auditing Committee.1908 EXPENDITURESOct. 14. State Y. M. C. A. subscription $25.00Oct. 29. Printing 2.50Nov. 10. Printing hand books 35.00Dec. 7. Bible Study books 16.701909Jan. 30. Geneva fund (06-07 pledges 20.00Mch. 6. Bible Study books 16.74 Reception expenses, (Y. M.C. As part) 12.85 Expenses for representativeto Conventions 22.50 Entertainment of Officers,Y. M. C. A... 7.45Mch. 26. Secretarys salary 120.00Total expenditures $278.74Mch. 26. Cash in Bank $ 57.76Grand total $336.50OTTO SCHOEPPEL, Treas.JAS. H. BAXTER, Chairman,Faculty Auditing Committee.estimated expenses for spring term, 1909.To State Y. M. C. A $25.00Reception (Y. M. C A.s part) 15.00Speakers 20.00Salary 80.00Incidentals 10.00Total. $150.00estimated resources for spring teem 1909.Membership $50.00Unpaid subscriptions 16.20Expected subscription s 10.00Baggage 8.00Book exchange. . . . 8.04Cash in bank 57.76Total $150.00H. H. STODGHILL. Gen. Sec.Y. W. C. A.The prospects of the Y. W. C. A. for thework of the term are very encouraging. Thework began by assisting new girls in registration during the opening days of the term.They were also assisted in finding roomingand boarding places.The cabinet for the term consists of the following officers and committee chairmen:President Etta M. WalterVice President Eva DavisSecretary Ira FerreeTreasurer Clara McDonaldCOMMITTEE CHAIRMEN.Bible Study Maude JulienMission Study—Foreign Belle SmithHome Delia ManionFinance Mary NewhouseMembership Eva DavisSocial Minnie ParsonsIntercollegiate Iris FishSecretary of General Secretarys Salary.... Gertrude Miller |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.