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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE47fogleid): ,,@ali, roa§ Su fagft, babe id) fdion langbet mir gebadjt unb au§gemad)t, namlid), baf
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Su e§ mit mir u)un ttriEft! ,,©§ ift fd)onfo gut roie getfjan, eS nimmt Sid) 9tiemanb mef)t au§meiner £mnb, at§ ber Sob! rief er, unb beibe eiltengeaen ben glufs.©alt fd)toang 93rend)en in ein mit Speu belabeneS©d)iff, ba§ angebunben lag, unb fd)toang ftd) nad).Sa§ ©djiff glttt rubjg in bie 9JUtte be§ ©ttomeS f)in=au§ unb fd)toamm gu Sbal. ©pater glttten gtoeibleid)e ©eftalten son ber bunflen 3Jfaffe fjerunter in btefalten gluten, ©o baben bie Siebenben ©liidfeligfettim Sobe gefud)t.The Students Loan FundFor some years the graduating classes of theNormal have followed the commendable custom of leaving behind them some tangiblememorial of their connection with the school.These expressions have for the most part takenthe form of beautiful pictures or busts offamous men or statues that have been placedfor the most part in the library. The classof 1906 distinguished itself by placing an ornamental sun dial on the campus. So far this isthe only class memorial placed outside thebuildings.The class of 1907 did not follow the precedent set in this matter but decided to leave asum of money in the hands of President Parsons, this money to be the nucleus of fundwhich it was hoped would be added to by subsequent classes. In this way it was hoped toaccumulate enough money to warrant theerection of a Students Building, which was tobe devoted exclusively to the social and literaryinterests of the students, in fact to be a sortof Students Home. Of course it was anticipated that financial help would be offered bythe State to carry out such a commendable enterprise. This fund amounts to $329.02. Itremained on deposit at a local bank until it wasturned over to Professor Wisely, trustee of theStudents Loan Fund last summer.Like the class of 1907, the class of 1908 didnot follow a precedent, but set out upon a newventure. It agreed to work for a StudentsBuilding, but decided not to leave the moneyit wished to contribute in a bank to draw interest at 4 per cent., but rather to establish a Students Loan Fund, it being understood thatwhen the sum is increased by the contributionsof subsequent classes to the point at which itbecomes really available for a Students Building, it shall be devoted to that end. With thisthought in mind, the class presented a plan tothe general Alumni Association meeting, bywhich that Association assumed the generalsupervision of the fund. The class then contributed $442.43 as its foundation for what ithopes will prove a source of help and encouragement to struggling students in the future.The purpose of the fund is to offer financialhelp to seniors whose means of support are insufficient. The money may be borrowed in sumsof $100.00 or less, at a rate of 6 per cent., uponthe personal note of the student. In this way itis hoped that many worthy students may behelped through their senior year and at thesame time the fund will grow more rapidlythan if it were left in a bank to draw interestat 4 per cent.Since the founding of the fund nine personshave borrowed sums ranging from $25.00 to$75.00. All of these people are now teachingand as their notes mature they are taking themup.The Alumni Association appointed ProfessorJ. B. Wisely, Trustee of the Fund, and Professor Howard Sandison the Alumni representative upon the Loan Committee. The undersigned was appointed by the Faculty as itsrepresentative upon the same Committee.The Fund at the present time amounts to.$771.45. F. S. Bogaedtjs.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.