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THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.LOUIS TUEMLER,PROPRIETOR OFBaths 25 Cents Each or 5 for $1.00.First-Class Work and Courteous Treatment.Cor. Fifth and Cherry Sts.Terre Haute Canon FactoryFine Confectionery and Ice Cream made every day.Try us. We make the best in the city.S. J. PAPADAKOS, 826 MAIN.Dont think because we have the best store,And largest line of Hats andMens FurnishingsThat our prices are high.You always get what you call forAnd prices are right atFOULKES BROS., 631 Wabash Ave.Patronize ourAdvertisers.Browns Business (JollepIs tf|e ScDooi You Hs?r so [fined HdoulIt is the school which guarantees a position to everygraduate or refunds in cash every dollar the studenthas paid. It is the school whose guaranty is backedby thirteen of the leading schools of the country andthe largest Business College federation in the world.It is the school which provides thorough and completecourses, and has the best teachers and facilities to behad—the school with the best equipped, best ventilated rooms in this section of the country. It is theschool which can place its graduates in good positionsin Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis. It is theschool which offers Better Advantages, Better Courses,and Belter Teachers at Less Cost to the Student than otherschools.LEARN BOOKKEEPINGSingle and double entry, retail, wholesale, commission, jobbing, transportation, manufacturing, etc.We give special attention to corporation bookkeepingand banking. Siudents are thoroughly drilled in allbusiness papers. Our new intercommunication businesspractice is the most complete system in use. Ourstudents are trained for high class work.GREGG SHORTHANDis the most practical system now in use. It is theeasiest to write, and easiest to read. It has but 32rules. Reporters and stenographers praise it. Students save from one-third to one-half the time required to learn the old systems. No other system ofshorthand has shown such wonderful results.TOUCH TYPEWRITINGis writing without looking at the keys. It saves time,It is more rapid. It is easier on the operator. It isaccurate. It facilitates copying. It enables theoperator to take dictation more rapidly and accuratelydirect on the typewriter. It makes the operator moreuseful to the employer. It qualifies the operator toearn better salary. It is in demand by business men.SPECIAL SUMMER SCHOOL.No vacation. Stud ents may enter any time. Successawaits you if you master our courses. Employmentsure. Salary is good. Twelve months pay. Readour adv. in last months Advance aga.n. Ask for ournew College Journal which is just out. It explainsthe superior advantages of Browns Business College.Call or addressOver KleemansCor Sixth and Main Sts.Terre Haute, Ind.M. M. LINK, Principal. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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