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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE.MYERS BROS.Terre Hautes Greatest Clothing HouseSells the very finestReady-to-wear ClothingMade in this country,Hawes and Stetson Hats,Douglas Shoes.He ins] Comer,4i| end main.We are having a hot timeBut still do laundry workit & Harris.Agts. Paul H. Krause Steam Laundry.Stafford Engraving CoEstablished 189023 W. Maryland StreetINDIANAPOLIS, IND.f i tN eCOMMERCIAL.ENGKAYIMO^ Half Torses &2jT\C EtcKp^s,De^i^ixir^,EIectrotypir\3>.MOST MODERN FACILITIESWRITE TOR .SAMPLES.WHEN YOU WANT .Flowers or PlantsKEMEMBETiOTTO HEINL, 107 N. 6th.Spaldings Base Ball SuppliesHave been used for over twenty-seven years.The player can rest assured that any articlebearing the Spalding trade mark is official andthe only one that is in univereal use.Spaldings Official League Base Ball has beenthe adopted ball of the National League fortwenty-six years and must be used in all matchgames.Spaldings Base Ball Uniforms are worn by ninety per cent, ofthe professional and college players. Suits from $12.50 to $1.50for a youths uniform.Send your name and address on a postal card for a copy ofSpaldings Spring and Summer Sports Catalogue. All the newthings in base ball fully illustrated.Spaldings Official Base Ball Guide for 1903, edited by HenryChadwick is larger and better than ever—the Official Rules
hundreds of pictures
statistics of all the Leagues and, for the firsttime, the official classification of all professional ball players ofAmerica under one head. Price 10 cents. Buy of your newsdealer.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston Denver St. LouisBuffalo Minneapolis Baltimore San Francisco Kansas CityMontreal, Can. London, Eng.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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