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The Normal Advance.Vol. VIII.TERRE HAUTE, IND., MAY, 1903.No. 8Tine Normal Advance.Devoted to the Interests of the State Normal School.EDITORIAL STAFF.B. L. Vawter, 03 Editor in ChieiJoe H. Stahl, 04 Associate EditorAlma 0. Beste, 03 Literary EditorEveeett Sanders Athletic EditorMart V. Peterson, 03 Society EditorE. F. Fishback, 05 . . ) , . .,... Local and AlumniDorothy Venard, 04 . >Guy C. Sipple, 03 ExchangesGenevieve L. Weems Senior EditorC. E. Green Junior EditorA. T. Farmer Sophomore EditorJessie Murray Freshman EditorBUSINESS STAFF.A. G. Porter Business ManagerEoy Hai.stead Assistant Business ManagerHomer Long Subscription AgentOttis Martin j Ast 8ul) AgtsOtto Martin >BOAKD OF CONTROL.Pees. W. W. Parsons, Ex-officio.Arthur Cunningham, Chairman.Jessie Doane, 05, Secretary.Charles M. Curry. A. T. Mayfield, 03Roy E. Halstead, 04. Jonas Griffith, 08Published Monthly from October to June, inclusive.Tf-ems—Seventy-live cents per year, in advance. Single copies,10 cents. Commencement number, 25 cents.Address all communications to The Normal Advance, TerreHaute, Ind.. All alumni, as well as undergraduates, are solicited to hand incommunications.The Advance is sent to subscribers until arrears are paid upand the paper stopped.Entered at Terre Haute Postofiice as second-class matter.No one will deny the fact tbat the subscriptionprice of The Normal Advance is very low compared with other publications of the same kind.In order to keep the present high standard of thepaper, without raising the price, it is necessarythat we practice the utmost economy. For everysubscriber that must be notified of delinquent subscription, extra expense is added to the management of the paper.The Subscription Agent would consider it akindness, besides being a great saving to the finances of the paper, if all those knowing themselvesindebted to the paper would remit at once.Will those in school who have not yet paid seethe Subscription Agent and settle immediately?The attitude and behavior of both the Polytechnic and Normal students at the dual field meet deserves the highest commendation. The feelingshown on that occasion should be maintained inthe future. Friendly relations between the twoinstitutions is a matter of mutual benefit to theathletic associations of both schools, and it is to behoped that the spirit of rowdyism and enmitywhich sprung up a year ago has been set aside bysober judgment.On the resignation of H. O. Rogers, our subscription agent, Homer Long was chosen by theboard for the remainder of the year. Mr. Rogersresigned on account of his being elected to thepresidency of the Y.-M. C. A., which duty requiresall of his extra time. While it is not for the best tohave frequent changes on the staff, we feel that inMr. Long the subscription department will be carefully managed.With the balmy days of spring the Normalites,like the spring beauties, seek the sunshine, andboarding and lodging house verandas, and streetcorners are crowded with vociferating groups. Itmight not be amiss to call attention to the factthat the eyes of near a whole cityful are turnedupon us, and that, as students of one of Indianasbest schools, we owe it to our alma mater to castoff some of our rusticity and be cosmopolitanenough to confine our hilarity to our rooms.We are all willing to yell and show a great dealof spirit when our athletic teams win, but as soon |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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