
Description: 138THE NORMAL ADVANCE.ei-IfeOur basket ball season closed March 20th withone of the hardest fought and most sensationalgames ever played in the gymnasium. This gamewas played with Wabash College, which won by aclose score of 16 to 13. Throughout the game thefinal result was continually in doubt because theteams were very evenly matched and the score wastied twice. Our defeat is due to the fact that ourteam was weak in throwing goals from the foulline. Cummings and Spencer distinguished themselves again and played winning ball.The basket ball season this year was very successful, notwithstanding the Jong schedule. Therewill be an abundance of good material for a goodteam again next year, as a number of the men whoplayed on the squad have already promised to makethe team good next season.The new athletic park has been purchased for$4,500 and the fencing and grading contracts havebeen let. So it seems we will soon be able to havepractice and contests on our own grounds. Thisis a great advantage to the Normal School sinceit supplies a need which has long hampered theprogress of gymnastics and athletics.The park will have a one-fourth mile cindertrack (one hundred yards straight-way), base balland foot ball grounds, besides a space in the centerfor field athletics and four tennis courts. A wellwill be driven on the grounds. The grand standwill be a spacious structure and will have bathsand dressing rooms underneath. The athletes willbe able to board near the grounds and the clubhouses planned will probably supply rooms forreading and parlor games.When the park is completed the women of theschool will be able to play tennis and field hockey.Manager Stopher has secured the track at thefair grounds for training the track athletes and alarge squad is. practicing daily in the variousevents. On May 2nd our Athletic Association willhold a dual meet with Wabash College. In orderto better stimulate the men and choose the bestmen for the team, a contest between the classes willbe held April 25. A number of good men, bothnew and old students, are showing fine form andthe outlook for a strong track team is very promising. On account of the danger in the hammerthrow this event will be eliminated from our meetsin the future.The base ball team played its first game wTithPurdue at Lafayette on April 11. Although defeated, the Normal boys jirevented Purdue fromplaying her shut-out game against them, forwhich she is so famous. Bob Mitchell andJummy Jordan each crossed Purdues plate. Inthe box, Cavanaugh did fine work for the hometeam during the entire nine innings. Spindler, thelittle Normal catcher, was applauded again andagain for his marvelous work behind the bat. Captain Cummins landed his adhesive phalanges onthe ball whenever it came any where within the
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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