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THE NORMAL ADVANCE.113Athletics.On February 13th the girls basket ball teamwas defeated by the Shelburn High School girlsby a score of 5 to 4. The Normal girls threwtwo field goals while Shelburn threw but one.Shelburn played a very rough game but only twofouls were called on them, while seven were calledon the Normals.Our line-up was as follows: Sarah Hunt,center Forest Cunningham and Lettie Wilson,forwards Gertrude Miller and Nellie May,guards.The Normal girls played Shortridge HighSchool of Indianapolis, March 9, in the Normalgym., which resulted in our defeating them 12to 6.Our line-up was the same as before except thatMiss Steeg played in Miss Mays place. Short-ridges line-up was as follows: Maxwell andRamey, forwards Hupp, center Philput andZwick, guards.Referee—McCormick Umpires—Morgan andGavin.The return game was played in Indianapolis onMarch 7th, but this did not prove as successful asthe one played at home. The score was 12 to 9in favor of Shortridge. The game was playedunder the womens rules, which greatly handicapped our team because they had always playedaccording to the mens rules. In this game MissWilson wrenched her knee and was compelled toleave the floor. Her place was well filled by MissBaxter.The DePauw girls were taken into camp by ourgirls on February 25th, to the tune of 16 to 7.The game was fast and furious from start to finishbut our girls clearly outclassed the Methodists inteam work, but the^ showed great skill in throwing goals from the foul line. The field goalsthrown were: I. S. N., Steeg 3, Cunningham 1,and Hunt 1. De Pauw, none. Foul goalsthrown were: I. S. N, Hunt 6. De Pauw, Hall,2, Roach 2, Ritter 3.Fouls—Normals 15. De Pauw 17.Referee—Charles McCormick. Umpire—Morgan and Ellis.Owing to the first teams practice, there werenot so many class games played this year as inprevious seasons. Each class played three games,one with each of the other classes. On February14, the Freshmen taught the Juniors how to playthe game, resulting in a score of 6 to 4 in favor ofthe verdants.On February 20th, the championship game wasplayed between the Sophs and Seniors and resulted in 29 to 4 in favor of the Sophs and theSeniors went back to practice (in the trainingschool) a sadder but wiser aggregation.The Normal boys defeated the M. T. H. S. ofIndianapolis in a cleanly contested game here onFebruary 13, by a score of 29 to 22.The Normal team line-up was as follows:Mangel center, Spencer and Pelle forwards,Vawter and Pope guards.In the next game our team was defeated byI. U., on February 28, with a score of 30 to 16.The Normal boys pla}red a clever game but wereoutclassed by the collegians.The line-up was as follows:I. S. N. I. U.Spencer Forward StonePelle Forward CooksonMangel Center MaxwellVawter Guard CantwcllPope Guard AyresReferee—McCormick.Umpires—Clevinger and Morgan.One of the most exciting games ever witnessedin the Normal gymnasium was played March 6,between the State Normal team and the city Y.M. C. A. Vawter had been unable to practicewith the team on account of his school work, andCummings took his place as guard. The game wasvery fast and at the end of the first half the scorewas 10 to 6 in favor of the Normal team.The team work of the Y. M. C. A. was better |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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