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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE.35Society and Societies.WOMENS LEAGUE.Saturday evening, November 9th, Mrs. Jones,of Berea, Ky., lectured in the Association room tothe members of the Womens League on Domestic Economy or Education for Girls. Mrs.Jones has been one of the pioneers in the movement to establish departments of domestic economy in our colleges. For fifteen years she heldthat chair in the State Agricultural University ofKansas and later established the first departmentin Illinois at the Bradley Polytechnic Institute atPeoria. She is an enthusiastic entertaining speaker and impressed all who heard her with the importance of her mission.At a meeting of the executive board Miss BessieLocke was chosen secretary to fill the place madevacant by Miss Ruth Kelley of Elkhart.The League has completed its organization.Nine sections have been formed and patronessesand leaders assigned.The Omegas met in their first bi-monthly meeting Nov. 1, at the home of Mrs. Cunningham,640 Eagle street, for the purpose of organization.The following officers were elected:—President,Mary V. Peterson
vice-president, Margaret Carpenter
secretary, Linda Armstrong
treasurer,Edna Wells. The following chairmen of committees were appointed:—Invitational, MyraJackson
reading, Miss App
address, Miss King.On account of previous arrangements the patronesses were not able to meet the girls, but Mrs.Cunningham was present and gave a very helpfuland inspiring talk.YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.One of the most marked features of the workof the association is the strong and helpful talksand lectures which are being given at the Sundayafternoon meetings. During the past month wehave had lectures from Rector Sulger, Dr. Waters,Prof. Kemp and Mr. Chester Fidlar, all of whomgave excellent addresses. Such addresses can nothelp but broaden the general culture of those whohear them.The high hopes of association workers have notthus far been disappointed, and we shall hopefor even larger things as the year advances. Themembership still increases.The directories put out by the two ChristianAssociations at the beginning of the term havebeen in great demand. We hope that this featureof the work may be continued from year to year.The thirty-third annual meeting of the StateY. M. C. A. will be held at Peru, Ind., on the20-23 of November. It will be conducted bysome of the best talent in this country and wehope to send a large delegation.Owing to the absence of Mr. Harry Miller, whowas elected vice-president for this year, it wasthought wise to elect a new one. Mr. FrancisMiles was chosen for the place. It goes withoutsaying that he will make a worthy and efficientofficer.Our officers, wieh their committees, are as follows: President, El wood Brooks
vice-president,Francis Miles
recording secretary, Frank R. Wilson
treasurer, Henry F. A. Meier
correspondingsecretary, R. H. Baumunk
committee on membership, J. B. Hessong, chairman, E. H. Fishback,Wallace Stopher, Jasper Carroll, Frank W. Murphy, Martin Denbo, Charles A. Wright
commit-mittee on socials, E. C. Stopher, chairman, N.Webb Metsker, Chester L. Zechiel
committee onfinance, H. F. A. Meier, chairman, B. L. Vawter,R. C. Harris, Prof. J. P. Kimmel, D. W. Werre-meyer
committee on religious meetings, H. C.Huber, chairman, Francis Miles, R. H. Baumunk,J. L. Groninger, Samuel Ellis, Melvin Snyder,F. R. Hahn
committee on bible study, Otto Martin, chairman, J. B. Hessong, Melvin Snyder, F.R. Wilson, H. C. Huber
missionary committee,Ottis Martin, chairman, Wallace Stopher, CliffordZetterberg, J. L. Griffith, Harry A. Pelle, I. T.Crask
committee on music, Elvin Fishback
employment bureau, Ernest Lamson
Room committee, Royal Pattinger, J. H. Brunner.The special music obtained through the earnestwork of Mr. Fishback greatly adds to the valueof our meetings.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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