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Description: INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 45years, two years, and one year. The first (page 40) is anabridgment of the regular four years course
the second (page41) of the regular three years course
and the third (page 42)is a special course of one year, organized to take the place ofthe usual course of city training schools. Graduates of commissioned high schools receive a formal credit of one year, andare thus enabled to complete the four years course in threeyears, and the three years course in two years. The longercourse for such graduates provides for thirty-nine terms work.Of this number, the twenty-five marked, *, in the programmeof studies, are required. The remaining fourteen may beelected by the student, with the advice of the faculty, from thesubjects given in any of the other courses.The two years course for graduates of commissioned highschools also consists partly of elective and partly of requiredwork. The required subjects are those marked thus, *, in theprogramme of studies—twenty-three in all. The four remainingterms necessary for graduation may be elected by the student,with the advice of the faculty.Many cities can not maintain a city training school for educating their own teachers. Only two cities in the State supportsuch schools. The Normal School has organized a course oftraining for the graduates of high schools, continuing throughone year, which gives such preparation for teaching in the primary and intermediate grades as can be made in so short a time.It is designed to have this course in the State Normal Schoolsupply the place of training schools for those cities that do nothave training schools of their own. About one-half of the timewill be given to a review of the common school branches, andthe. other to the different phases of professional instructionwhich the school imparts. Those who complete this course willnot be entitled to the diploma granted by the school, but willreceive certificates showiug the amount of instruction taken inthe institution. The purpose of the course is to relieve theschool officers of cities from the necessity they feel of employing, as teachers, the graduates of their high schools who havehad no training in teaching. A years Iraining in the NormalSchool will add more to their efficiency as teachers than would
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.