
Description: INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 57of Slavery in the United States and Its Influence on Political
Life. 7. The Growth of the Principle of Centralization in
the United States, t. The Growth of Civil Service Principles
in National and Local Government.The practical aim—to make honest and intelligent citizens—
is constantly kept in mind by the instructor.In General History a view is taken of the unfolding of the
institutions of the Oriental Peoples
then of Greece and Rome

of Mediteval Europe, and finally of Modern Europe. The
library is used in these courses, and in much the same way as
in United States History. In so far as time will allow, the stu¬
dents study the principal constitutions of Modern Europe, and
compare them with our own constitution.A manual is used in this work also, but simply as a guide

and the aim is to make the student an interested seeker after
the truth of the questions considered.E. W. Kemp,Head of Department.MUSIC.The work in music is limited to one term of thirteen weeks,and as two-thirds of the pupils enter the class without previousinstruction, it has been found necessary to begin with a careful. study of the first principles, including a brief history of thestaff, scale, etc.The aim of the instruction is to give the pupil a thorough
knowdedge of the subject, in so far as the limited time will per¬
mit, and to cultivate good habits in regard to breathing, sing¬
ing, pronunciation and enunciation.In the study of the relative pitch of musical sounds the ma¬
jor or diatonic scale is taken as the unit, and by comparison its
intervals are carefully studied, thereby laying a good founda¬
tion for work in chromatic intervals, the different scales and in
transposition.Particular attention is given to sight singing early in the
term on the principle that people learn to sing by singing. Each
pupil is expected to be able to write exercises, introducing in a
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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