
Description: 210THE NORMAL ADVANCE®fje Jgormal gfobanceDEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOLEDITORIAL STAFF.Edwin J. Hemmer Editor-in-ChiefCarl N. Miller Associate EditorZelpha Burkett Literary EditorBernice Bodenhafer Society EditorMarjorie Cuppy Exchange EditorRaymond Rightsell Athletic EditorGladys Rippetoe Local EditorWm. L. Connor Art EditorFaun McKamey Senior EditorSherman T. Sublette Sophomore EditorOtho .••haw College Course EditorBUSINESS STAFF.R. W. Hyndman Business ManagerOscar Koch Advertising ManagerH. F. Carmichael Circulation ManagerBOARD OF CONTROL.President W. W. Parsons, Ex-Officio.Prof. Arthur Cunningham, Chairman.Prof. Erle E. Clippinger.Ethel Ray, 16. H. E. Stork, C C, Secretary.Published Monthly from October to May, Inclusive.Terms, per year $0.75Single Copy 15June Annual 1.00Address all Communications to The Normal Advance,
Terre Haute, Indiana.Entered at the Postoffice of Terre Haute as second-class
Mail Matter.OUR TESTIMONY.WITH this number the regular Advance
closes its year. Early in the year all
was hope and anticipation, the future lay dim¬
ly before us, and now after a few short
months all has become history.As we take a retrospective view of the year,
we see that not all was well. We feel that
some successes have been achieved and many
failures encountered
*for the former we are
grateful, for the latter we have no apologies to
offer.As editor-in-chief and associate editor we
take this opportunity of showing our apprecia¬
tion of the work done by the associate mem¬bers of the staff. The staff has stood as a unit
for the upbuilding and betterment of the
paper, and for the sake of the efforts put forth
and for the sake of the school that it repre¬
sents we hope all was not in vain. Early the
members of the staff were assigned their vari¬
ous duties and given to feel that they were a
part of the paper, that they would be held re¬
sponsible for their several departments, and
that the success of the paper depended upon
the co-operative efforts of all. With this di¬
vision of labor, and yet harmonized by com¬
mon interests, the work was begun and car¬
ried through to the close of the year. What¬
ever successes the Advance may have attained
during the year we gratefully ascribe to the
untiring efforts of the associate members of
the staff. We would kindly ask that you give
to them the honor of any success that may
have been accomplished during the year and
retain, unreservedly, your criticisms until an
opportune time presents itself and then parcel
these out to the editor-in-chief and the asso¬
ciate editor.Now to the readers of our paper. You, too,
will fare well in our remarks. The interest
shown by the faculty and the student body in
general is worthy of comment. We have
never lacked good wholesome material for
neither have we been wanting for
readers. Although every student in school
should be a regular subscriber to his school
paper, we find fault with none who refuse to
read our publications. The subscription list
among the student body has been increased
considerably and the mailing list has been
more than trebled. In preceding years sur¬
plus copies were filed in great numbers into
the recesses of the Advance office. This year
our circulation managers have estimated so ac¬
curately that few copies are left on hands at
the close of the year.Thus in conclusion, as we bid adieu, we
likewise bid Godspeed in every undertaking
of our readers, friends, and associates.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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