Collection Order

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Description: ADVANCED COURSE.The object of this Course is to qualify fully those who shall graduate from the Elemen¬
tary Course for teaching in the most responsible positions in the Public High Schools
of the State.First Term (15 weeks.)—Higher Algebra, General History,
Chemistry, Latin.Second Term (11 weeks.)—Algebra completed and Geometry
General History, Physics, Latin.Third Term (13 weeks.)—Geometry, General History, Latin.
A more extended study of Botany and Zoology. Special atten¬
tion to the practical utility of these sciences, and to the geograph¬
ical distribution of animals and plants.Fourth Term (15 weeks.)—Geometry completed, Trigonom¬
etry and its applications. Elements of Mineralogy and of
Geology. Special attention to the distribution and uses of
specific Minerals. Latin and German.Fifth Term (11 weeks.)—Astronomy, Latin, German. A
more extended study of English Literature than that in the
Elementary Course.Sixth Term (13 weeks.)—-Conception of the State
its end or
purpose. Conception of the school
its origin in the necessity of
the State
its end or purpose
its essential requisites that it may
attain this end. Application of the principles of Mental Science
to the determination of methods of teaching the different subjects
during the different periods of mental development. Latin and
German continued. The study of Greek may be substituted for
that of German.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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