Collection Order

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Description: 42STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.(c) Their products.(d) The law and order of mental development.
Fourth—Education.(a) Its nature.(5) Kinds
(1) physical
(2) intellectual
(3) moral
(c) Methods by which each kind is secured.Fifth—Examination of School studies, with it view of dermin-
ing what parts of each subjects are products of the different
faculties, and from this standpoint determining the order of pre¬
senting the different subjects, and the methods of presentation at
different stages of mental development. Also, the relative value
of the different subjects as matter of useful information, and as
means of discipline.Sixth—The Idea of the School.(a) Its origin.(b) Its necessity.(c) Its true ends.(if) Its proper organization to meet these ends.
(e) Its relation to the progress of civilization.
Seventh—Observation and Practice in Model Schools by the
Students.(a) Observation till the student can accurately report andinterpret the meaning of each exercise.(b) Practice in teaching under criticism until the studentcan plan and conduct recitations and manage classes
The management of the Institution conforms to the intent of the
law by which it was created.FACTS SHOWN BY STATISTICS.First—The majority of persons who enter a Normal School
are between twenty and thirty years of age, and have, therefore,
considerable maturity of mind, and arc somewhat fixed in their
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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