Correspondence, Dick Gregory to Odie Mae Streets

Description: This is a letter from Dick Gregory to Odie Mae Streets regarding her request of a book list
April 1975Dear Friend:Thank you for your letter indicating your intelligent interest in survival and awareness. I have especially enclosed my book list compiled for people of your sensitivity. This initial listing is just the first in a series of reading and study materials which we believe are vital. It will get you started and, I hope, will help to influence your life and the salvation of this nation. As further book lists are compiled, we shall be getting them to you. We also welcome your comments and suggestions.Write me direct – DICK GREGORY – HEALTH, P. O. BOX 266, PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02360.Yours for a richer world.Sincerely,Dick Gregory
Origin: 1975
Created By: Gregory, Dick
Collection: Civil Rights and African American History
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Subjects: Streets, Odie Mae, 1913-2006

Further information on this record can be found at its source.