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South Bend Human Relations Commission activities; June 1-30, 1966

Description: Analysis of the activities of the South Bend Human Relations and Fair Employment Practices Commission. Lists referral and complaint statistics, and details meetings attended, workshops and conferences, speeches and panels, exhibits, group services, and literature distributed by the commission.
SOUTH BEND HUMAN RELATIONSANDFAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION; ANALYSIS OF ACTIVI.TIESJUNE 1,1966 THROUGH JUNE 30,1966,• ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIESJune I, 1966 to June 30,1966I. REFERRALS involving no action •..••••.•••• 26II. NEW INFORMAL COMPLAINTS .•..•. •••.. 7Pending • • • . • • . . 2Closed ••..•.•• 5·III. PREVIOUS INFORMAL COMPLAINTSClosed .•.••.•.• 3Pending .•..••••. 0(These informal complaints were pendingon May 31, 1966, but were closed inJune, 1966)IV. MEETINGS ATTENDED ••.••.••..•..•...•.. 33V. WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES......... 6VI. SPEECHES AND PANELS.................. 2Speeches. • . . • . .• 1Panels ....•.•••. 1VII. EXHIBITS ................................. 0V 111. GROUP SERVICES .......................... 8IX. D ISTRIBUTI ON OF LITERATURE ............ 137Kits ........... 38Ordinances ••.••• 39Posters ••.•.•... 60(It should be noted that each Kitalso contains an Ordinance; therefore,the distribution of Ordinances is:Separately, 39; In Kits, 38; Total, 77.)MEETINGSDate Organization CommentsJune I South Bend Tribune --.John Powers Managing Editor)June 2 Action, Inc.June 2 Citizens Fair Housing CommitteeJune 3 Koontz-Wagner Electric Co. (Pres. and Vice Pres.)June 3 Ball Band Plant (Fritz Miller and other officials)June 4 St. John Baptist Church (37th Anniversary. Convention)June 4 Portage Church WomenJune 6 Commission Board MeetingJune 6 St. Augustine Church (Concerns in West Washington Area)June 6 Indiana Citizens Fair Housing CommitteeJune 6 Womens Committee on Human Relations (Mrs. Barbara Powers)June 9 Coordinating Council on Human elationsJune 9 Schools Human Relations Commit June 13 Northern Indiana Human Relation ConferenceJune 13 City Council Meeting (Budgetary transfer)June 14 Housing Conference (Indianapolis)June 15 Housing Conference (Indianapolis)June 16 Bendix Corporation (Irving Margol, re: Dungey case)June 20 WNDU Radio and Television (John McCullough)June 21 Special Lunch at Ball Band PlanJune 22 Catholic Interracial Council (Penn High School)June 22 N.A.A.C.P,June 23 Thursday Noonday Luncheon Gr upJune 23 City Payroll Department (Federal Income Tax Deductions)June 24 Indiana University, South Bend (Lester Wolfson)MEETNGSDate Organization CommentsJune 25 Traveling Nuns Human Relations Workshop (Stephan Center, Notre Dame)June 26 N.C.C.J. All-Day Teenage Human Relations WorkshopJune 27 Bendix Corporation (Irving Margo, George Stanton)June 27 City Council Meeting (Budgetary transferJune 28 Executive Committee MeetingJune 29 Coordinating Council on Human Relations (Rev. Schneiders Home)June 30 Azars Big-Boy Drive-I n (re: complaint)June 30 Action Housing Sub-Committee (Urban Redevelopment)INFORMAL COMPLAINTSNo. Date Received From Against ClosedII June 1 Ruby Dungey Bendix Aerospace12 June 3 Robert Kreps Hartford Glass Co. June 313 June 9 Nanon Lucas Oliver Equipment Co. June 914 June 9 Jesse L. Dickinson Azars Big-Boy Drive-In15 June 9 Charles Sanford B & P Motor Express June 1016 June 16 Bemis Blake Kaiser Jeep Corp. June 1617 June 17 Carl Brandt Jr. Unknown June 17-.<-GROUP SERVICESDate Organization Service Performed DispositionJune 2 United States Navy, Bureau of WeaponsMeeting to be arranged to assist in the orientationof line supervisors to equal opportunities inemployment.June 3 Koontz-Wagner Electric Company(I) To encourage qualied Negro applicants(male and female) to apply for employmentwith this firm.(2) Director suggested possible resources forrecruitment of qualified applicants.(3) Discussed problems of companyJune 4 Portage Methodist Church WomenTwo-hour meeting was held to discuss overallpurposes and aims of a week-long program onConflict for junior high school members of the church D Hector blocked-out a today program formaton race relations, to be included in the week-longprogram.June 3 Ball Band PlantAgency was requested to assist in developing amore aggressive recruitment procedure to employminority-group members.Mr. F. A. Miller suggested a plant-sponsoredluncheon with the agency providing a list ofnames of relevant groups to him. The list wasprovided and Invitations sentThe Luncheon Meeting was held on June 21 atthe Ball Band Plant.GROUP SERVICES,Date Organization Service Performed DispositionJune 5 Indiana Civil Rights CommissionTo assist in securing picures, slides andstatements of Negro and white neighbors, livingharmoniously in an open occupancy housingsituation.June 9 Coordinating Council on Human Relations Program committee.Requested to suggest are s of concentration toincrease the effectivenes of human relationsefforts by the group.Pin-pointed various need and offered concrete.program ideas..GROUP SERVICES.,Date Organization Service Performed DispositionJune 16 Thursday Noon-Day luncheon Group(I) Requested agency to develop a programfor the June 23rd meeting at Town TowerRestaurant.On June 17, 1966 agency wrote lettersrequesting particiption in a panel discussionof the White House Conference on Housingheld in Indianapolis, June 14- 15, to thefollowing persons:Harry DeIinski; J. Chester Allen Sr;Rev. Joseph Schneiders; Leo Newman; Luther Bellinger(3) On June 23, 1966 anticipated in the program as panel moderatorl4) Distributed literature kits and stressed theimportance of bringing representatives ofvarious agencies to the meetings to answerquestions of the group.June 22 N.C.C.J.(I) Requested to serve s a workshop leader inthe All-Day Teenage Human Relations A-Go-Goto be held Sunday, June 26th at Newman Center and Pin Hook Park.SPEECHES AND PANELSDate Organization Place Topic or ParticipationJune 4 St. John Baptist Church St. John Baptist Church Speaker37th Anniversary ConventionJune 23 Thursday Noon-Day Luncheon GroupTown Tower Restaurant Panel moderator..WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCESDote Organization Place Nature of ParticipationJune 4 St. John Baptist Church 37th Anniversary Convention Speaker on Hum. Rel.June 13 Northern Indiana Human Relations ConferencePick- Oliver Hotel HostJune 14-15 White House Conference on Housing {Indianapolis}June 21 Luncheon at Ball Band Plant AdvisorJune 26 N.C,C.J, Teenage Human Relations Workshop Workshop LeaderJune 25 Traveling Nuns Hum. Rel. WorkshopStephan Center, Notre Dame CampusDISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE .•••••••• KITSDate Type of literature Amount Distributed Received ByJune I Kit I John PowersJune 3 Kit I Koontz-Wagner Pres.June 3 Kit I Koontz-Wagner V. P.June 4 Kits 2 Portage Church WomenJune 6 Kit I Barbara PowersJune 9 Kit I Nanon LucasJune 22 Kits 30 Thurs. Luncheon Group 37June 24 Kit 1 Lester Wolfson, I.U.-.. -~.~--.~DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE .•••.• ORDINANCESDate Type of Literature , Amount Distributed Received ByJune 1 Ordinance . 1 Ruby DungeyJune 1 Ordinance 1 Irving MargolJune 8 Ordinance I Pres. Committee on Equal Opportunities in Housing (David Lawrence)June 9 Ordinance I Manager, AzarsJune 9 Ordinance I Charles SanfordJune 16 Ordinance I Bemis BlakeJune 17 Ordinance I Carl Brandt ,Jr.April (not listed) Ordinances Thursday Luncheon GroupJune 23 Ordinance I Univ. of ChicagoSocial Service AdministationJune 23 Ordlinance I Univ. of MichiganSocial Service Division---+~--DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE ... P OSTER SDate Type of Literature, Amount Distributed Received BySmall Business DevelopmentAction, Inc.St. Augustine ChurchSt. John Baptist ChurchSouth Bend TribuneSchool Administration Bldg.Father Peil (W. Washington)Controllers OfficeCity Hall LobbyBoard MembersWm. Morris Agency_Dr. SchollsPerrys PharmacyPublic Housing AuthoritySt. Vincent DePaulGroceteria (Washington)Happy Days (WashingtonHowards Tailor Shop (Wash.)Scotts Liquor Store (Wash.)A and P Food Store (Western)Pappas Bar (Washington)Dew-Drop In Laudromat Wash.)Willie Lees Beauty Shop (Wash.)Wash 0 St. Barber ShopThomas Barber Shop (Wash.)DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE ... POSTERSDate Type of literature Amount Distributed Received ByPoster I Hoovers liquor Store Wash.Poster I Nesbitts Tavern (Kenmore)Poster I Veras Beauty Shop (L.W.W.)Poster I Urban LeaguePoster I Migrant CenterPoster I N.A.A.C.P.Poster J Hilltop Lutheran ChurchPoster I First Unitarian ChurchPoster I AIs Record ShopPoster I Olivet A. M. E. Church 58Poster 2 Indiana University-----
Origin: 1966
Created By: South Bend Human Relations and Fair Employment Practices Commission
Publisher: South Bend Human Relations and Fair Employment Practices Commission
Collection: Civil Rights and African American History
Copyright: Digital reproductions of archival materials from the Indiana University South Bend Archives are made available for noncommercial educational and research purposes only. The Indiana University South Bend Archives respects the intellectual property rights of others and does not claim any copyright interest for non-university records or materials for which we do not hold a Deed of Gift. It is the researcher’s responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owner and any other rights holders for any reuse of these images that extends beyond fair use or other statutory exemptions. Furthermore, responsibility for the determination of the copyright status and securing permission rests with those persons wishing to reuse the materials. If you are the copyright holder for any of the digitized materials and have questions about its inclusion on our site, please contact the Indiana University South Bend Archivist.
Subjects: African Americans--Indiana--South Bend
Discrimination in employment--Indiana--South Bend
Discrimination in housing--Indiana--South Bend

Further information on this record can be found at its source.