Letter, 1937 July 15, San Francisco, Calif., to George Palmer Putnam, Burbank, Calif.

Description: Letter, T.K. Johnson, Coast Guard Treasury Department, to George Palmer Putnam, status of the search and Johnson’s belief that Earhart will be found on the Gilbert Islands, July 15, 1937
Origin: 1937-07-15
Created By: John, T. K.
Contributor(s): Putnam, George Palmer, 1887-1950;
Publisher: Purdue University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
Source: http://earchives.lib.purdue.edu/cdm/ref/collection/earhart/id/1707
Collection: Amelia Earhart Papers (George Palmer Putnam Collection)
Copyright: Rights held by Purdue University Libraries
Subjects: Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937
Flights around the world
Search & rescue operations
Gilbert Islands

Further information on this record can be found at its source.