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Hotel de Dirty Dozen

Description: Hotel de Dirty Dozen - Kettering Cottage at Lake WawaseeCharles Inks, Ray Hatch, Harry Waterman, Curly Freeman, Harrold Zook, Myron Dow, Arthur Miller, John Roach, Nelson Lehman, A. Himebaugh, Joe BonGuests the summer of 1893 included a group or residents from Nappanee and Goshen. The young man with the white shirt and large hat standing in the rear of the group survived the outings and will be 100 years old October 27, 1976. He is Nelson Lehman, who now resides at Diamond Lake. - from newspaper dated 7/02/1976
Origin: 1893
Collection: Evelyn Lehman Culp Heritage Collection
Geography: Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Evelyn Lehman Culp Heritage Collection Photograph Collection
Print, Photograph
Print, Photographic
Nappanee, IN
Still Image
Inks, Charles
Waterman, Harry
Zook, Harrold
Miller, Arthur
Lehman, Nelson
Hatch, Ray
Freeman, Curly
Dow, Myron
Roach, John
Himebaugh, A.
Bon, Joe
Hotel de Dirty Dozen
Kettering Cottage
Lake Wawasee

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