Dr. Charles W. Frink and family in car, Elkhart, Indiana, c. 1910

Description: Dr. Charles Frink is the driver, with M. M. Frink as the front seat passenger and R. Frink in the back. The female passenger is probably Ella Maude Frink.
Origin: 1910, circa
Source: http://indianaalbum.pastperfectonline.com/photo/E04CAB6D-4AE2-49B1-BEB1-334762861425
Collection: Indiana Album
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/CNE/1.0/
Geography: Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Quentin Robinson Collection
Elkhart (Ind.)
Elkhart County (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.