Winona School of Photography

Description: Not Pictured: Back: Printed memo in upper left reads, Winona School of Photography, Winona Lake, Indiana, is sponsored by the Professional Photographers of America, Inc., as an educational program dedicated to the constant improvement and advancement of professional photography.
An aerial view of the Winona School of Professional Photography. College Ave. is along the bottom with Twelfth Street intersecting. The view is looking eastward.The Winona School of Photography existed in Winona Lake from 1921-1984. An Indiana based Daguere Institute held classes in Winona from 1900 until 1921 when they turned things over to the Professional Photographers of America. Oustanding instructors and students came together to learn new techniques. One week might feature wedding photography or crime scene photography or protrait photography. The Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church acquired the property and used the buildings. The original Daguerre building was demolished in 2008.
Created By: Howard Newmarker, Howard Studios, Cleveland, Ohio
Collection: Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards
Copyright: Contact Morgan Library, Winona Lake, IN for copy and usage permissions
Geography: Winona Lake (Ind.)
Subjects: Winona School of Photography

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