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Bulletin of the Peace Studies Institute. Vol. 33 (2006)

Description: Contents: Introduction / Julie Garber -- Sacrificing the sacrifices of war / Stanley Hauerwas -- Waging peace, achieving justice: understanding nonviolent struggle / Mary King -- Making peace through peaceful means / Robert C. Johansen -- Generosity and nonviolence: a two-pronged strategy for peace and security / Rabbi Michael Lerner -- Rwanda resorts to the gacaca, a traditional peoples court, hoping to achieve swift justice and reconciliation / Paul J. Magnarella -- Peace studies activities.
Origin: 2006
Created By: Mordecai, Rachel, Michael Patterson Brown and Ben Leiter, eds.
Contributor(s): Scanning by: Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.) Funderburg Library.
Publisher: Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.) Peace Studies Institute.
Collection: Manchester Plowshares
Copyright: Manchester College is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions.
Subjects: Peace -- Periodicals
Pacifism -- Periodicals
Manchester College

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