The West Side Waltz

The West Side Waltz: a play in 3/4 time

Description: Poster and program from the 1989 Revolving Repertory production of The West Side Waltz.
Origin: 1989-02-24; 1989-02-25; 1989-03-17; 1989-03-18; 1989-04-06; 1989-04-07; 1989-04-09
Created By: Thompson, Ernest, 1949-;
Butler University Department of Theatre
Daniel W. Pugh, director; James A. Hatfield, stage design; Daniel W. Pugh, costume design; Nancy Gahagan, student lighting design; Rachel Godollei, technical director
Vereen Barton, Cara Varnum; John Wittenberger; Serge Barrescu; Linda Charbonneau, Margaret Mary Elderdice; Melissa Allen, Robin Bird; Greg Dukes, Glen Dabrinsky; Musicians: Leigh Anne Essig; Jeffrey Marlatt
Heidi Baker, student production stage manager, set construction, production stage management student assistant; Julia Jurka, student stage manager; James A. Hatfield, poster design, design and technical theatre faculty supervisor; Rebecca S. Guptail, student program design; Jeffrey Marlatt, music research; Nancy Gahagan, lighting, student lighting assistant; Greg Alexander, lighting, set construction; Amy Kirk, lighting, costumes/lighting student assistant; Kathy Shoppenhorst, lighting, sound, set construction, student lighting assistant; Tara King, lighting; Ann Thorvik, lighting, sound/lights student assistant; Nick DaPrato, properties, set construction, properties student assistant; John Kaisner, properties, set construction; Jennifer Todd, properties; Jeffrey Schoner, scene crew, scenery student assistant; R.T. Brown, scene crew, set construction, scenery student assistant; Jeff Schoner, set construction; John Whittenberger, set construction, scenery student assistant; Greg Dukes, set construction, scenery student assistant; Amy Horney, set construction, usher, scenery student assistant; Beth Barkow, set construction, scenery student assistant; Julie Pfaffenberger, set construction; Kati Wodele, set construction; Sherri East, set construction, box office manager, box office/administrative student assistant; Rich Schmaltz, set construction; John Imm, set construction; Amy Davis, set construction; Linda Charbonneau, set construction; Sarah Boyd, set construction, stage management student assistant; Debbie Phillips, set construction; Tara King, set construction; Sashi Charles, set construction; Derek Shelton, set construction; Brian Pritchard, set construction; Amy Perry, scene painting; Liz de Kanter, costumes, costume student assistant; Vereen Brown, costumes, costume student assistant; Gloria Tumey, costumes, costume student assistant; Patricia Dickson, costumes; Michelle Steffen, costumes, costume student assistant; Rebecca Guptail, house manager, box office manager, publicity/administrative/box office student assistant; Kevin Priebe, usher; Kelli Walker, usher; Jennifer Dishian, usher; Julia Jurka, stage management student assistant; Stephanie Wahl, office/box office student assistant; Owen W. Schaub, lighting design faculty supervisor; Karen Smith Hill, stage properties faculty supervisor; Daniel W. Pugh, costume design and construction faculty supervisor; Rachel Godollei, scene technician, scene construction faculty supervisor; Bernard Wurger, sound and video faculty supervisor
Contributor(s): Department of Theatre
Collection: Butler University Jordan College of the Arts Collection
Subjects: Theatrical productions
Jordan College of Fine Arts
Theatre Department
Revolving Repertory

Further information on this record can be found at its source.